Chapter 1: Life as the Monarch of the Pokémon World

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Ash Ketchum once thought that being the World Monarch would be awesome and fun, and get him closer to being a Pokémon Master.....

But he is DEAD WRONG!!!

Ash Ketchum is exhausted as he woke up early one morning in his tent in Route 6 in the Kanto Region. He is too afraid to go into town again, because if he did, he would be ambushed by a hundreds of his Poke fans. Ever since he became the Strongest Trainer in the World, he became VERY Famous, SO FAMOUS in fact, that he cannot walk into a shop without drawing the attention everyone in the building. He also appears on TV almost everyday, and have infinite of merchandise made out of him, WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION! There is SO MUCH propaganda and fake news of him, and tv representer's and fans mocking him for being a 10 years old kid... 

Now he has to put up with people screaming his name, every time he enters town to go to the Pokemon Centre to heal his Pokemon after training them... And the flurry of people with cameras, people asking for autographs and even people looking to kidnap his Pokemon, to research how they are so strong!  

He goes to the campfire to cook food for his breakfast, holding a frying pan to cook some bacon and eggs. He misses travelling with others, and hates travelling alone.... If only he can find his best friend.... who kissed him once upon a time... to travel with through the Kanto region, looking to befriend wild Pokemon and accepting challenges of random trainers looking to battle the World Champion. He wakes up his best buddy Pikachu to eat his breakfast.

He sent out his Oshawott out of his Pokeball and held glass in front of him...

"Oshawott, use a gentle water gun on the cup!" He ordered the Otter Pokemon."

"Osha..." He squirted a small jet water, and it landed inside of his cup perfectly and without spilling. 

He pours Pokemon food out of the paper bag for Pikachu, who cried with enjoyment before digging in. 

He brings the water and the paper plate with bacon and eggs and placed them in the picnic mat, he brings the fork with a piece of egg to his lips, when....

"Heeeey, Champion Ash!" said a voice of a man, yet distantly familiar....

Ash stopped dead and accidently dropped his egg and spilt his water. 

"What!" He grunted... "Who is it this time..." 

"It's me!" 

A man with spiky green hair and brown eyes stood above him. He was wearing a red t shirt and was sporting a small green beard. He is also sporting a Mega Ring on his wrist. His partner Pokemon, Sandslash was next to him, shrilling with excitement at the sight of the champion. It's spike rose at the sight of him and were wiggling with anticipation. The man's eyes were brimming with excitement. 

Ash stood up, and shook hands with him gruffly. 

"Do you remember me?" The man asked.

"Lets see...." Said Ash, tilting his head on one side and scratching it. 


The man growled with frustration. "I'm A.J, a rising star Pokemon trainer and the master of ground types and Sandslash." He said briskly. "I've met you when you were only just starting out in this region, and I've beat you then to gain my 100th win! I'm now the proud winner of the Indigo Conference League, over multiple years of attempts, though I lost to Champion Lance in the Championship Tournament. I am now in the Great Class of the World Coronation Series You are now the World Monarch however.... You would definitely best me, though I wouldn't lose without a fight! It is not an excuse for someone like you to forget me!" 

"I remember you now!" lied Ash with an acted jolt. He met too many people on his Pokemon Journey to remember people from so long ago... "How many wins are you now?!"

"Oh..." Chuckled A.J. "I stopped tracking my wins and losses ages ago, after I closed down my training grounds to go on a Pokemon Journey myself, but If I had to guess, Im probably nearing ten thousand wins!

"Yeah that is a lot!" Gasped Ash, impressed. 

A.J nervously sweats. "Well... eh. Want to see my Pokemon on my team?!" 

"Yes please! I'll send out mine too!" 

In a flash, A.J and Ash's Pokemon were all sent out. Ash sends out his Charizard, Snorlax, Torterra, Dusk Lycanroc and Oshawott, joined by Pikachu, while A.J sends out Steelix, alarming Ash with it's size, Golem, Nidoking, Dugtrio, Marowak, joined by his Sandslash. 

A.J takes one look at his Oshawott in his group of Pokemon and begins to laugh hysterically.

"HA, HA, the World Monarch, the Strongest Pokemon in the world, the UNBEATABLE and UNDEFEATED, has a.... a... LITTLE ITTY BITTY OSHAWOTT in his Ultimate Team?!" He laughed manically "How much training has this little one has?!" 

Oshawott suddenly look very devastated and began crying loudly, forming puddles at his feet. 


"Look what you done, you hurt Oshawott's feelings!" Growled Ash. 

"Well look...."

"So what?! He hasn't gotten nearly as much training as the the team I used to defeat Leon, but he is just as capable of beating him as my Lucario for example, though it will take much longer and more effort to train him... It doesn't matter if a Pokemon doesn't want to evolve! Look at my ace, Pikachu! He may not be in his final evolved stage, but he managed to take out Leon's Charizard with sheer power! He's actually my strongest Pokemon in my ultimate team, due to the power of friendship and all the years I spent with him!"

"Look." A.J put his hands on Ash's shoulders. "I wasn't trying to be mean... In fact, I was only joking about your Oshawott!"

"It's still not right to hurt a Pokemon's feelings!" Shouted Ash.

"Yeah... no... look I'm sorry!" Said A.J, his head down. "It's was my first instinct to mock I Pokemon I think is weak. The words came out of my mouth before I intended them to."

"That is not an excuse, but I forgive you." Said Ash. "Believe me, I've been training my Oshawott lots recently, and he is getting very strong, even without evolving!"

"You know what, I want to have a Pokémon battle with you! Against your Oshawott to see how strong he is!"

"Sounds like a deal!" Said Ash.

A.J sends out his Sandslash as soon as Ash sends out his Oshawott. In eight minutes with a  flurry of attacks in a Pokemon battle, Oshawott takes out Sandslash finally, with a massive hydro pump, though, Oshawott was close to fainting himself! A.J was impressed with Oshawott, as Ash intended, though he can still see that Oshawott has still got a bit of trainung to go before he is on par with his ultimate team. A.J bid farewell to the Monarch, and walked away with Sandslash at his side. 

Ash realized with a jolt that he is starving for breakfast as he haven't got the chance to eat yet!. Pikachu was full, however. He walked back to breakfast only to find that his glass of water spilt all over his delicious bacon and eggs! He is devastated and kicks the wet bacon and eggs away. He is so worried now! Now, he has to walk to Saffron City and risk going into a shop to buy some late breakfast! He thought it would be very unlikely to walk into a restaurant or a café without people shouting his names and people crowding around him to take selfies and ask him to sign autographs! 

He must think of a plan, and fast! Before he gets even more hungry....

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