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Two long months pass, Cate and Elizabeth indeed meet up to talk, and more, multiple times. They had gone to the same spot most days between the train tracks and abandoned building.

Cate doesn't forget about Barbara's threats but she goes against them. She follows her heart and not her brain.

The two women grow close and more intimate, their relationship wasn't fed with as much lust but more love and connection.

School has started back up again, to keep their relationship hidden, they decide to stop the private tutoring for art as well as pretending not to know each other in the halls or courtyard.

Under the impression the two women stopped seeing each other Cate and Barbara became better friends, they enjoyed each other's company a lot more. Cate would invite her over for weekly dinners and go out to the bar more often.

She kept the lie up about the young girl, though the topic wasn't brought up because of the awkwardness of the situation.

Barbara came to visit Cate in her class on their free periods, using up almost all her spare time. Cate doesn't show it but part of her is almost getting sick of the older teacher, wanting new friends but can't find anyone in the school she relates with, has been Cate's problem.

Cate has learned that Barbara has never been married because she wasn't able to find the right person but also because she put all her heart and soul into her work for the first couple of years, guaranteeing her a permanent spot as a teacher with the catholic school board.

Cate becomes more open to the older woman about her failing marriage and non-existent sex life with her husband. She almost senses a crush coming from Barbara but ignores the feeling thinking it was harmless and just a platonic thing. As for the plentiful of compliments and odd flirting , she just ignored it. For Cate only sees the woman as a friend and nothing more, even in the far future. She's always had a thing for younger woman. Yet she never embraced it due to her husband.

The day has come for Cate's niece's play, she has been waiting months to go and see her as the leading role. Her niece, Kayla, has down syndrome making it even more important to go. She promised her that she'd be there before Christmas.

She is driving in the car with Andrew, her niece and her parents when she sees Barbara walking down the street with crossed arms and tear stained face. She pulls over to the curb and gets out of the car to make sure her friend is okay.

"Barb? Are you okay?" She asks confronting the woman. Her hands gently rest on her shoulders almost holding her upright, scared she might fall.

"It's Petra, she's at the vet being put down..." she sniffs. Emotions cover her face like Cate has never seen before.

"I'm so sorry, Barbara." Cate says, she pulls her into a hug trying to comfort her. Andrew's head pokes out from the top of the vehicle.

"Come on Catherine, we're already late!' he yells agitated. He never liked the woman, she annoyed him, he hated that she was over twice a week for dinners.

"One second, Andrew! It's her cat!" she yells back over her shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?" she asks turning her attention back to the older woman in her arms.

Barbara pulls away and grips tightly at Cate's collar of her shirt, "Come with me please, I'm supposed to be back in twenty minutes to say my final goodbyes!" she pleads, "I can't do it myself!"

"Barbara I can't, I'm going to my nieces play, we're already late." Cate says truthfully. "After I'll come and visit you, I promise."

"Cate please, you're my only friend!" she begs some more, "Come with me!"

Andrew yells out again from the door, more desperate to go, "Catherine, come on! Kayla is getting antsy!"

"Give me a minute, Andrew!" Cate yells back, she hates when he uses her full name, he always does it trying to show dominance but it just pisses her off.

Barbara grabs onto Cate tightly, hurting her under the grip, "You owe me this!" she says in an angry voice.

"Stop, you- you're hurting me!" Cate says, struggling out of her grip. She pulls away and tries to step back. Barbara grabs her again.

"You owe me this! Do this for me!" she yells.

Andrew once again calls out to Cate, "Catherine lets go, we're so late! Why is this crazy woman even here!"

"Let go of me, Barb!" Cate threatens. "I have to go." she says. The older woman pushes Cate away with a stern face.

"You owed me this! I'm warning you!" She yells.

"I'll come see you after the play, I will." Cate promises walking backwards towards the car. She quickly climbs in and drives away fast. Her heart is beating like crazy and her breaths are fast and shaky. What the hell was her problem she thinks to herself.

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