First Day 2 🌞🌻

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The first day was a very long day for y/n. All the kids had left and now it was just Sundrop and her in the daycare cleaning up.

"How was your first day Sunflower?!" He asked excited

"It was great beside having to draw a million sunflower. But I had a blast. This is everything I've dreamed of" y/n says looking up at Sundrop away from the spot she was cleaning.

"Great! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!" Say Sundrop happy.

"I did but I'm sure am exhausted though. I'm gonna hit the concession stands outside the daycare. Pepperoni pizza sound really good right now. Plus I've been smelling it all day !" Y/n says

"May I join you ?" Sundrop says pleading

"Of course. Your the only friend I have her right now. I would enjoy the company!" Y/n says "come let's get some food!"

Sundrop and y/n head to the concessions above the day care. They walk to over to stand selling pizza.

"Can I have two slice of pepperoni pizza , a side of bread sticks and a Fizzyfazz please?" Y/n ask the worker behind the counter.

"Of course coming right up! Here's your receipt" says the worker.

"Wait what about paying?" Y/n says and the worker walks off

"People who work here get free food and free passes to all the attractions !" Sundrop says

"Oh really! That's quit the deal there. If I say so myself. I could just live here !" Y/n said really excited

"Oh please y/n do live here with me. We could have so much fun and so many sleepovers!!" Sundrop said excitedly

"Oh......" y/n trails off " Sundrop it was an expression of how much I liked the place. I really didn't mean live here. I'm sorry " y/n pats his head in apology when he sunk to the floor after her comment

"Here's your food" say the worker "Here sundrop" he hands sundrop a big bowel of sugary sweets.

"Is that what you really eat?" Y/n ask curiously as they walk over to a table to sit down and eat.

"Yes! It is programmed of what I eat !" Say sundrop.

"Maybe that's why you stay so hyper and happy. Maybe I need to switch my diet to that" y/n giggled.

"Really!" Sundrop says.

"Not not really. If I did it would make me very sick and get very big" y/n smiles and giggles at his gullibleness taking a bit of pizza

"Oh. Like big like me?" He ask curiously

"No more like" y/n puff out her cheeks and makes a gesture with her hand to make her look round

Sundrop burst out into a laughing fit. "Hahaha. Y/n you look so silly like that. Maybe don't switch to this diet!"

Y/n laugh at his comment "Sundrop your so funny!"

"I am?" Sundrop stops and laugh and blushes

"Yes of course you are. You are sweet , funny and a great guy to hang around" says y/n "well from what I can infer from today" she says continue eating.

Sundrops face turns a bright pink "Thank y-you Sunflower" he say bashful

"So I have a question?" Y/n say

"Go ahead ask away. I'm all ears" he say back to his happy tone.

"Who is this Moon? I had some kids come ask me if he was here and I told them I didn't know who he was" she ask Sundrop

My little Sunshine~Sundrop/Moondrop ff (female)Where stories live. Discover now