Shopping spree

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Y/n was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork while Sunny was cleaning up after a long day of work.

"Sooooooo..." Sunny says walking over towards y/n desk "Shopping?" He said trying to contain his excitement.

"Yes but let me finish this paperwork and will use my personal laptop to shop" y/n replies smiling up at Sunny.

"Oooh Goody!" Sunny says clapping his hands together. He walks around the desk and sits down beside y/n while she was finishing up paperwork

"Have you finished cleaning already?" Y/n says looking at Sunny beside her

"Yes. Just waiting on you to finish Sunflower" Sunny says.

"Alright give me about an hour and I should be finished and then we can shop" y/n says Turing back towards the paperwork she was doing.

"Okay. I'll just sit here with you and wait" Sunny says.

"You don't have to sit here the whole time" y/n says

"I know but I just want to be with you" Sunny says.

"Oooh. I see what you're doing here. Playing sweet because you get to shop?" Y/n says raising an eyebrow teasing Sunny.

"Noooo...." Sunny says trying to lie but we all know Sunny is a terrible liar.

"Pffft. Okayyyy" Y/n says focusing back on the paperwork. " Give me a couple more minutes and I'll be done"

After a while and Sunny just sitting by y/n watch her work y/n puts the last paperwork up and place it in the draw with the rest.

"Okay Sunny. We can shop now!" Y/n says to sunny realizing that he had powered down. "Sunnyyyyy" she sings shaking him to wake.

"Oh hello Sunflower. I must of dozed off. Are you finished with your work?" He says rubbing his eyes and then looking up at y/n

"Yes Sunny. So what online store do you have in mind?" She asked Sunny as there are many places to shop online

"Oh there more than one online shops?" Sunny ask with a surprise look

"Yes. Is there one you've heard of before that you would like to try?" She ask Sun.

"Ummmm. The am-e-zone store. Am-e-Sune?" Sunny says trying to pronounce Amazon

"Oh. Am-a-Zon." Y/n corrects him "That's a good plan to start and less likely to be scammed than other platform. Do you want to start there?"

"Yes. Please !" Sunny says excitedly

"Alright let me login to my Amazon account and we can start browsing" y/n says searching up the Amazon website and logins into her account "Alright Flower. Take a look" y/n scoots over so Sunny can view the screen.

"Ooooh. There's so much stuff! Can we get stuff fit the daycare too!  Oh, Oh!  This is so exciting!" Sunny says. Scrolling through the front page of the website.

"Of course Sunny. This is your shopping spree and no limit. As the Plex does pay well and I never leave the Plex as it keeps me very busy" y/n says. "You can even search for things. Amazon almost has everything you're looking for"

"What about glitter glue???" Sunny asks

"Yes, they have glitter glue. Any glitter glues you have in mind?" Y/n asks

"Indeed I do!" Sunny day.

After a while y/n left Sunny to look around on Amazon, while she played on her phone for a while. Eventually y/n Amazon's cart was filled with all kinds of stuff to glitter glue and candy.

My little Sunshine~Sundrop/Moondrop ff (female)Where stories live. Discover now