Sun and moon sleepover ☀️🌘

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"Sunflower. What happened? Moon prevented me from seeing" he said frantically

"Prevented?  Moon said you where watching?" She said with an raised eyebrow.

"I-I.." Sundrop trails off

"I don't want to hear it! I'm heading to bed I'll see you in the morning for work" y/n says walking off angry to her bedroom. 

"Ughhhh" Sundrop said frustrated "Why did you have to go and do that Moony. She a nice lady and forcing me to watch is mean. Moony you have gone to far this time.  You don't get to come out for two days!" Sundrop says to Moon.

-Time skip-

Y/n ignores Sundrop for most of the day and only focuses on the children. Sundrop unfortunately couldn't help but keep his eyes on her all day.

"Sunny. Why do you keep looking at miss y/l?" A kid ask pulling in Sundrops sleeve

"Ooooo do you like her !" Another kid pipes in. "Yeah do you!" More join in getting louder

"Children. Hush please!" Sundrop pleads with the children trying to keep them quit so you wouldn't hear "These are not appropriate questions!" He says to the children as they keep teasing him. "That's enough. Keep at it and you all will be in time out !" Sundrop finally says almost to his breaking point of embarrassment. The children eventually leave him alone and go find new things to do beside teasing the robot

"Miss y/l" a kid says tugging your hand.

"Yes little flower?" You say looking at the child.

"I have a secret to tell you" the little one says.

"Oh really? And what's that?" You ask with a smirk on your face knowing it's going to be something silly like "I love French fries or my favorite color is blue!"
You lean down so the child can wishper into your ear.

"Sundrop likes you!" The child says in your ear. You look over at Sundrop catching him starting at you and your face turns red.

"Sure he does! We are really good friends" y/n says trying to brush of what the kid actually meant.

"No. I mean likes likes you!" The child protest.

"I know! Sundrop really likes me as a friend" y/n states still trying to get the kid to change his mind.

"Is that why he's always looking at you?" The kid ask curiously.

"Maybe. I don't know" y/n says still trying to get the kid bored of the subject now.

"Okay" the kid finally says and runs off to play with other kids.

After everyone is gone for the day. Y/n and Sundrop clean up the day care still not talking to each other.

"Sunflower. I'm really am sorry for moons behavior and mine" Sundrop finally pipes up.

Y/n focus on the spot she's cleaning ignore him until she saw his showdow loom over the spot she was cleaning.

"Sunflower Please talk to me" Sunny begs.

Y/n finally give in. She hated when he begged. It made her feel bad. "Okay Flower I forgive you but I need to talk to Moon about his behavior myself."

"Sunflower. I don't think that's a good idea" Sunny says concerned.

"I'll be alright flower. I did a pretty good job of knocking him out last time!" Y/n boast but them pauses "Well except the fact that I hurt you in the process. Sorry".

"That's alright Sunflower but I still don't think it's a good idea" he's say twirling his thumbs.

Y/n turns around to look at Sunny"Listen Flower. I think if you just let me and moon talk it out and figure out what's going on. Maybe we could get on good terms. It's worth a try. Everyone deserves a second chance" she says placing her hand on the side of Sunny's face to soothe him.

"Okay" Sunny finally gives in while leaning his hard more into your hand "But you have to stay at the light switch just in case. Promise?" He says grabbing your hand from his face to hold it.

"I promise Flower" you say patting his hand.

"Okay. Let's do it" says sunny.

Y/n walks over to the light switch and Sunny stays where he was at ti keep some distance between them.

"Ready?" Y/n ask.

"Ready" says sunny and y/n flips the switch. It was pitch black but y/n could hear the gears turning inside of sunny turn into moon. Y/n kept her eyes where sunny was standing and only could see a red glow coming from that direction.

"Couldn't get enough of me. Could you Princess?" Moondrop teased. Walking closer to y/n Trapping  her against the wall. With his hands on ether side of your head.

"Moony. Please. Take it slow. Your behavior is terrible and I am not a fan of it" y/n hissed at him.

Moondrops face flashed blue to the nickname you just called. "M-m-moony?" He stuttered. "Oooooo. She found a weakness of yours" Sunny teased in his head. "Shut it Sunny" he replied.

"Ohhhh. So you like nicknames" y/n teased with a smirk "Moony. I would like for you to be a little nicer towards me and sun. Please" she said in a begging voice.

Moon crumpled at her does eyes that she was flashing at him and her adorable begging. "Carful princess. I won't be able to behave with that begging but I'll behave on one condition"he said as he got closer to your face and pulling your face towards him. "I get time with you. Just like Sunny does"

It clicked. The only way Moon would listen to y/n is if she played coy. "Okay lover boy.  As longs as you behave" she kept teasing him.

"Oh. Starlight. Keep calling me those pet names and you'll have me hooked around you finger" his eyes went big realizing with what he just said. "You weren't supposed- Ugh nevermind" Moon moved away and fled to their room with embarrassment.

"Well. I guess that worked" y/n said surprised that it only took a bit of playing coy.  She walked over and turned the lights back on. She thought to give Moon some space in order to keep them from over heating. She headed to her room to get ready for the night and to relax from a long day.

A few hours later and y/n was curled up in her bed watching "The Wedding Planner" on her tv.

She heard a knock on the door. "Sunflower. It's me. Can I come in?" Sunny asked sweetly.

"Yes. Come in. I'm just watching a movie" y/n sat up and watch Sunny walk in closing the door behind him.

"How'd it go? Moony wouldn't let me see or let me out. As he needed some time to think outside" Sun said still standing at the door with and worried expression on his face.

"Flower. Nothing bad happened. I promise. It went well. Moony agreed to be nicer buttttt" y/b said trailing off.

"Butt what sunflower" sunny asked concerned.

" He only ask to have time with me as you do" y/n explains.

"Is that all. I'm not so sure if I'm okay with that." Sunny said with a little fright "What if he hurts you and I can't get out in time to stop him"

"Flower. It'll be okay. Will give Moony a chance and only one. If he messes up then he will be in a very long time out. Now come over here" y/n said patting her bed. Single him to come over and sit.

Sunny walked over and sat down on the rash's of the bed and looked at y/n "Can we cuddle?" He asked with a small blush.

Y/n thought for a moment "Sure Flower. Come here" he must of had a rough time with not being let out. You thought. What if there was a way we're they could be separate and live separately.  

Sunny laid down beside you cuddling up in your arms. You stroke his back and hummed a lullaby luring you both to sleep


Sorry it took to so long for another part. I've been super busy with life and college. Haven't had time for myself. But I hope you enjoy this chapter- JM

My little Sunshine~Sundrop/Moondrop ff (female)Where stories live. Discover now