|Chapter One|

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|Icarus's POV|

Icarus blinked open his eyes and rubbed the sleep from them with his fist, stifling a yawn.

He rolled out of his bed, his bare feet sliding against the old wood floors of his grandfather's cabin.

He opened his small fridge, grabbing a jug of milk and eggs, beginning to cook an omelet.

He sat down at his table and turned on his TV, switching to the news.

Breaking news, a body has been found this morning in a small town near ZuZu City.

The body belongs to young teenager named Sam - Icarus dropped his fork in shock, which had been suspended between his plate and his mouth-

He appears to have been killed in his sleep, with knife gashes in his throat.

There is a sticky note stuck to his forehead which says, "He's mine. ~Lucifer."

Police are investigating close family members-

Click! Icarus turned off the TV with numb fingers, his eyes wide and tearful.

Sam is...dead?

The tears pooled in his soft brown eyes before spilling over and dribbling down his trembling chin.

He wrapped his arms around his shaking body, sobbing hole heartedly.

Memories came back to him, of the three of them getting drunk and messing around,

Playing on Abigail's Xbox,

And playing 'Solorian Chronicles: The Game' with Sebastian.

Speaking of which,

Do Seb and Abby know?

I should probably go check on them...

|Sebastian's POV:|

I slid out of bed and reached into the pocket of my hoodie, and pulled out my pocket knife.

I held it up to the dim lighting, watching as the light gleamed against the metal's surface, along with Sam's dried blood.

I grabbed a rag and began to clean it.

A knock sound on my door and I hastily shoved it and the knife under my pillow.

I opened my bedroom to see a distressed looking Icarus.

The way tears shone in his big calf brown eyes made my heart jump into my throat.

His hair was ruffled like a bird's feathers that had been caught in a storm since he probably had just woken up.

His soft bottom lip trembled as he tried to hold in his tears, and his nose was slightly red, which indicated that he had recently failed to do so.

He engulfed me in a tight hug, his small body shaking against mine.

My face flushed with heat but I ignored it, instead just wrapping my arms around the sobbing boy.

"Sam...h-he's d-d-dead..." croaked out Icarus, his voice cracking as he tried to hold in his tears.

I rubbed his back, nodding,

"I know..."

We stayed like that for a moment before Icarus cleared his throat and awkwardly stepped away, his eyes on the ground.

"Uhm...I'm s-sorry..." He laughed nervously, using his sleeve to rub his leaking eyes.

I shook my head,
"Don't apologize."

Icarus blinked up at me, his big brown eyes wide and drooping with sadness and grief, making my heart clench and my brain start to think thoughts that would make Yoba (The Stardew valley God) faint.




My monologue of dirty thoughts was cut short as Icarus tugged on my hand, trying to get my attention, making my face heat up.

Yoba, this kid is making it so hard for me to stay in control-

"W-We should go see Abby..."
He mumbled, his face streaked with drying tears.

My body tensed as he mentioned Abigail and my eyes narrowed but I allowed his to lead me into town.

"O-Oh..." Icarus said sadly as he saw that the saw that it was Wednesday, and the general store was closed. (Abigail lives there if you didn't know)

I tightened my grip on his small, soft hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Don't worry, how about we go to the saloon? Might help take your mind off of things."

Icarus nodded in agreement so we went to the Stardrop Saloon and I ordered us both a bottle of Beer.

The night wore on, both of us becoming beyond just tipsy.

I slung my arm around Icarus's shoulders, leaning against him, and burried my face into his hair.

He smelled of pine trees and sap, probably from the forests on his farm.

He giggled, tilting his head back to look at me through his bangs.

I gaze went down to his lips; how they looked so soft and delicate, and how I wanted to bite into them so badly.

My head pulsated slightly and the sounds around us blurred as my vision came in and out of focus.

I slowly started to lean in, my heart jumping into my throat with anticipation.

Suddenly, a force knocked into both of us and we stumbled backwards.

Alcohol made my emotions heightened and I felt my blood begin to bubble.

I glared at the person who had stumbled into us, and I saw that it was Alex.

Alex laughed loudly, his face red from the liquor.

"Sorry guys, didn't *Hic* see you there..."

His gaze drifted over to a giggling Icarus, who seemed to have thought that it was a funny accident.

I watched as he licked his lips subconsciously, running a hand through his styled hair.

He likes him.

My eyes narrowed and I clenched my jaw, trying to supress a growl.

Alex put his arm around the shoter boy's shoulder, whispering something into Icarus's ear, to which the latter giggled drunkenly, his face flushed.

My hands balled up into fists, my painted nails digging in to the palm of my hand.

Anger, resentment, and jealousy boiled up inside of me.

And that was even before Alex kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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