Arrival on the island

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Age: 15
Brendom docks, sodor.

I stared around my surroundings when I got off the ship, I stood in front of the tracks as the others are waiting by me as well, it was loud here at the docks. Which is no surprise as I knew it was already going to happen anyway...wait, how can you already say "knew it was always going to happen anyway"? I should've just said; I was already expecting this to happen. Yeah, yeah that'll be, to say the least. Sorry, I just overthink the words that don't feel right. And I do get stressed if things are not exactly organized or when everyone is shouting, that kinda stresses me out a bit. Oh who am I kidding I get stressed if any of that happens! Sorry, just over saying again. That's when I hear a...


Y/n: (shouts in surprise.)


That's when I-er-we see a sky blue, British LNER pacific express locomotive with 2-6-2 wheel figure. And I must say, it looks pretty good, kinda and strangely reminds me of the Baldwin steam locomotive from the movie: the polar express. With 2-8-4 wheel fig-

Y/n: what the-?!?

I then see the smokebox and it shocked me more that the smokebox door is replaced with a grey FACE! I stammered as the sky blue express locomotive slowly came to a halt as the locomotive let out some steam, literally.

We are in front of the coaches which had the colors of; cream yellow-white, little yellow lining, dark green on the bottom of the white cream on top. The portors came as they brought silver steel steps to get in the coaches as some of the portors helped the passengers with their luggage among others, I already got them myself because I'm not lazy!...ok maybe I can be lazy by watching T.V. When I got nothing to do besides going outside in the backyard with the 2 dogs I have back home.

Portor: now watch your step and enjoy the ride, everyone! And welcome to the island of sodor!

Sodor? Never really heard of that place before. Which continent i am right now? They could be British because of their accents. So I could be in Europe and in Great Britain, I thought I was going to the Isle of Man to study abroad for the student exchange program, which I will be staying there for a year or so before returning to good ol' America. But anyway, I'm getting a little head of myself.

I got in a express coach as I stood by a window as another passenger sat by me as he gave me a little as I tipped my cowboy hat (that I got from  from one of the rodeos back in America last summer) to him as I look back out to the window.

Gordon POV

Fastest and best, fastest and best. That's what I am.


I slowly start to chuff out of the docks and back onto the mainline. I was taking the express as usual whilst taking special visitors as a special to my express. I must get there fast, I alway say; if you don't go fast enough, then you'll not be on time.

I see a goods engine up ahead right in front of the me, I noticed the points before I see this as my chance as the points were quick to switch as I overtook a goods engine which is being pulled by, Henry as I hollowed.


I whistled at, Henry, who whistle back with a smile on his face as I sped past him as I kept chuffing on as I past by maithwait station. I whistled to, Edward pulling a passenger train as he whistled to me back.


I was keeping on tight as I was almost getting a little queasy due to how fast this train is going. I felt I wanted to throw up but thankfully I have a strong stomach but felt like I want to stop. Now this doesn't mean I have not been on a train before, I have a few times when I go to the Strasburg, Pennsylvania almost every summer as I went a little over 30 miles per-hour but this...this was going over 50 or 80! Or is directly 85 per hours which I felt is going on 180 per hours.

And I know what you people are thinking, how do you feel like this train is going on over 50 or 80? I didn't know, I just assume. Or I am just over exaggerating. I could be over exaggerating or something. One of the passengers turned to me and ask with a smile grin.

Passenger: this your first time?

Y/n: what'd you-(gulp)-think?

Passenger: judging by the look on your face. I'd say this is your first time.

Y/n: (gulp) yeah so?

Nobody POV
Knapford station

Gordon, pulls up into knapford station, as we see a couple of engines pulling in or out in knapford. Gordon, pulled in on platform 3 as he let out a short bit loud whistle. The passenger doors opened as the portors showed up to help with the passengers with their luggage, including y/n and his luggage.

Y/n and the other passengers got out with some of the portors helping with their said, luggage. Once, all the passengers got out of the express coaches, Gordon chuffed out of platform 3 to get back on platform 1 to get more express passengers.

The passengers that got out of the express, left the station or stand by another platform to go to a another station, all except for young y/n. Who stand outside the station with shock and curiosity in his eyes as he saw the engines with gray faces on the smokebox doors!

Later, the engines soon took notice of y/n, as they look at him who was staring at them like a hawk before a certain took notice and decided to talk to him.

Thomas POV

I was taking Annie and clearable on my daily passenger service on my branch line, it had been nearly 4-years ever since Nia and Rebecca came to the island, and everything is like this has been always normal, which kinda is. And I hope, Gordon feels that way now. Which I hope it has by now.

I then see a boy who is standing in front of the station with a-...cowboy hat on? He wore (insert your clothing here). He had (insert your body appearance.)

I decided to puff up to him before I stopped and let out a small wheese of steam, as the boy stared at me longer with a hint of fear in his eyes as he froze.

Thomas: (smiling) hello! I'm Thomas! What's your name?

The boy just continued to look at me, with fear as he then stuttered as I then got more concerned.

Thomas: (concern frown) are you okay?

Boy: y-y-you...can talk!

Thomas: (smiles again) that's right! (Concerned again) but uh-are you okay? (Smiles) nice hat!


Thomas: hello?

Boy:...I-I'll be...going now bye!!!

The boy then started to run away and gets back in the station as I shouted.

Thomas: wait! Who are you?!

The boy, didn't reply back as he then exited the station through the front door of the station as I was puffing to catch up to him but stopped before, I can no longer see the boy.

Thomas: (annoyed look) ugh. Rude.

Clearable: (warm smile) don't worry, Thomas. 

Annie: he's just shy.

Thomas: but he should've know that all trains can talk.

I replied back to my faithful coaches as, clearable then said to me.

Clearable: unless he was surrounded by faceless vehicles for his entire life.

Thomas: really? Huh, I guess you're right, clearable.

The passengers got out of Annie and clearable before the guard blew his whistle as I let a "PEEP PEEP!" Sound off my whistle as I then started going forward and out of the platform.

Thomas's mind: "I wonder if I'm ever going to see him again."

End of chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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