Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: A New Name

Queen Celine gave Prince Arthur some money, which he added to his own funds. With this money, he could now live a life of comfort with Amelia. He patiently waited for her to finish work and they met up at the park. Amelia was glad to see him, but she sensed that something was bothering him.

"Is everything okay?" she inquired.

"Actually, I need to tell you something," Arthur revealed.

They found a quiet spot to sit and talk.

Amelia was taken aback by Prince Arthur's sudden confession. She had been dating Clark Johnson for a while now and had no idea that he was actually royalty. She listened intently as he explained the truth behind his identity and his intentions.

While she was a bit shocked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure at the prospect of marrying a prince. She was touched by his honesty and sincerity and knew that she had feelings for him too.

After a moment's hesitation, Amelia looked into Prince Arthur's eyes and said, "Yes, I will marry you."

She knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, and she was ready for whatever challenges and joys lay ahead.

Prince Arthur and Amelia returned to Amelia's residence and informed Linda and George about their upcoming marriage. Prince Arthur also disclosed his true identity to Linda and George. Queen Celine is scheduled to visit Amelia's house for a dinner with them. Prince Arthur decided to change his name to Clark Johnson, and Queen Celine arranged for a new birth certificate for him. Additionally, Queen Celine offered to cover Clark's expenses for attending law school. Clark, Amelia, and her family planned to relocate to Mississippi in order to begin a fresh chapter in their lives.

The next day, Queen Celine arrived at Amelia's house. She is fond of Amelia and her family and understood why her son loved them so much. Amelia and her family were such kind and genuine people that Queen Celine felt like she already knew them, despite never having met them before. She knew that Amelia truly loved her son and was happy for them both. However, Queen Celine couldn't help but feel bad for her son Prince Henry, knowing that he was being forced to marry Princess Katherine by King Philip.

Ron is heading to Mississippi with Clark. Queen Celine has hired Ron to take care of her son and Ron assures her that he will treat him like a sibling. Clark entrusts his mother with a letter to give to his father, revealing the truth about his survival. He also writes a letter to his brother, Prince Henry, hoping that both his father and brother will forgive him once they learn the truth.

As Clark looked towards the horizon, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him. However, he didn't have any regrets about the choices he had made thus far. Despite this, he couldn't help feeling sorry for his dad and brother, especially knowing how devastated his dad must be about his absence. As for his brother Prince Henry, Clark wasn't entirely sure how he felt - they had never gotten along very well. Before leaving, Clark had made sure to write a letter to Princess Katherine, wishing her all the best. With Ameilia, her family, and Ron by his side, Clark was ready to start a new life in Mississippi.

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