Left Behind, a mistake

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Day watched as the elder three, AQ, Julio, and Atlas, prepared for a journey.

They all wore some sort of overalls as well as their main color. Along with that, AQ handed the two goggles. Julio immediately put them on, but Atlas hesitated.

She glanced at Day before frowning. "How come mi carino doesn't get any goggles?" she wanted to know, asking AQ.

He raised an eyebrow, "Because he's not coming with us?"

She gave an expression of disappointment and shock, almost as if she had been offended by a slur. "Ai, why not!?" she pouted, "It won't be any fun if he can't join us!"

The elder teen sighed as he expected this. Unfortunately, Atlas was mostly dependent on Day.. and incredibly clingy. The two were almost impossible to separate, spending every hour of the day together.

"He can't join us," AQ responded, earning a glare from Day, "He's too young–"

"But I'm barely a year older than him," she interrupted. She crossed her arms over her chest, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried looking intimidating.

It didn't work..

..like at all.

AQ wanted to chuckle at the attempt but held back his laughs. "You're turning fifteen soon. He's still thirteen–"

"Not a good enough reason!" she interrupted again.

"God dammit fatty, stop interrupting me-"

"My nickname is Atty!"

Julio laughed at that, Day instantly shoving his elbow into his stomach. AQ glanced at them before taking a deep breath, "There's an age limit for a reason. Like how there are height limits for amusement part rides. Day doesn't fit the age limit, nor would he fit the height limit for a ride."

"Okay, now you're just being mean to him," she frowned.

"Point is- He can't come with us."

"Yeah, he's just a little babyyy," Julio joked as he cooed at Day.

Day slapped him before being trapped in a hug by his platonic wife. She began kissing his head repeatedly. "Mi marido perfecto, we'll be back soon! Promise!"

He nodded and returned the hug, soon letting go. He avoided AQ as he tried to ruffle his hair and, of course, refused any affection from Julio.

Soon, the elder three left, leaving the young teen alone with his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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