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"And for the golden award you have been waiting for!"

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"And for the golden award you have been waiting for!"

"This painting will truly amaze you!"

The audience clapped and cheer waiting for the first place to come up the stage. They whispered about who would win the first place, others say it was Hyun-Ok for her precious flower painting but others say it was Seo-ah for her beautiful and awesome painting she has been painting for weeks. The host then looked at the paper where the names of the winners are. The host was shocked and smiled at the audience.

" Oh! Not only the painting is beautiful! The painter too!"

The audience then laugh and clapped their hands waiting for the winner's name to come believing it was Hyun-Ok or Seo-ah.

" Kim Aera! For her amazing and truly breath taking painting! "

I was surprised after hearing my name. I walked through the stage and bowed to the audience. The host then gave me my first own golden medal and wore it to me. The audience then clapped and then group of people showed my precious art I have been painting for months. I never thought I would win this but thanks to my boyfriend for supporting me. The host then handle me a microphone.

"What would you say for this awesome award you just receive? "

" I just want to say thank you for this precious award. For the judges, my friends and most importantanly my lovely boyfriend for supporting me for months on this art.. "

I then bowed to the audience, judges, and the host. Before i left the stage I noticed my boyfriend in his seat and gave him a thumbs up. He then smiled at me and left while texting someone on his phone. I wanted to follow him back but i remembered i was in the middle of a contest.

"Congratulations Aera! You may go back to your seat. "

I then left the stage and followed Ha-joon.

"I will go first. "

I still saw Ha-joon texting on his phone while walking through the hallway. I followed him secrectly and hide behind the walls. I took a small peek and saw someone by his side.

"Oppa! You came! "

I suddenly stood up in shock and realized it was my sister, Sena. I took a small peek again seeing them talking. I can't hear what they are saying but i can see them talking to each other.

Minutes has passed, and they are still talking. I decided to show myself to them as a surprise but i was too late. I saw them kissing each other. I thought they were the one who will be surprised but i guess wrong. Ha-joon was surprised as I am. Sena suddenly saw me and broke the kiss. She pushed Ha-joon hard making him fall on the ground while Mina started crying. Other students saw them. They whispered about what is happening. Others ignored it and thought it was just a prank to them. Others take pictures and videos making us look at everyone.

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