Chapter 2

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(1106 words) 

Your POV 

"I thought I told you to do your chores already?! What have you been doing?" 

Here we go. 

"Mom, I've been working on homework." 

"Homework? You should do your chores as soon as you get home, then you do your homework." 


"I don't care, do as you're told!" 

Sighing as she slams the front door of the house, the car starting and leaving the driveway after a few seconds. Shaking my head I can feel a tear running down my face. Getting the various cleaning supplies together to start cleaning, this was my life. I go to school, I come home, I cook and clean, I'm a slave in my own home. To parents that couldn't care less if I was missing. They would probably only notice after the house got messy. 

Going into the bathroom, I start scrubbing the shower, sink, and toilet. Rinsing the shower I watch the water go down the drain for a moment. Would it be better if I wasn't here? If I left with Jack? That or dead all together. Turning the water off, I turn around to rinse the sink and flush the toilet. Spraying the mirror and cleaning it I look at the sad eyes that stare back at me. They were mine, no life or light to them at all. Finishing the bathroom, I leave it and head to the kitchen, putting the chemicals under the sink before standing up. 

Jumping as hands touch my waist I turn around quickly to see Jack looking down at me, a soft smile on his face for a moment before it falls. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Without a word I bury myself into his hoodie, holding onto it tight as he stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Wrapping his arms around me slowly, he leans his head against mine. Crying into his chest for a few minutes, I pull away and he has a hand on my hair as he moves it from my face. Taking a glove off his hand and wiping my face. His grey skin feeling cold against my flushed cheeks. 

"Tell me." 

His voice was low with a demanding tone. Wiping my face and sniffing gently, I lean against the counter, his grey hand sitting on the granite countertop as he looks at me. "Just the same old shit, different day. I go to school, I come home, I cook I clean before I can do homework, then I go to bed if you aren't here. I'm a fucking prisoner in my own home, I'm nothing more than a maid to my parents. They don't care. I'm constantly always tired, the only thing I look forward to is you coming around." 

Looking at him, my (e/c) eyes red and puffy from crying. He steps closer to me for a second, taking my hand in his as he rubs his thumb against my knuckles. "I don't like it when you think like that." 

"I know." 

"I know things are shitty right now, just wait and it'll get better. If not today, or tomorrow, then soon." 

Smiling gently as he looks at me, I nod. "It's easier when I know when you'll be back. I can count the minutes down."

He sighs gently as he rubs a hand in his hair. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you last time. My empty stomach was a bit too loud. I'll do better on letting you know when I'll be back to visit." 

I nod as I look at him, relaxing at the thought. "Thank you." There was a pause for a moment before I rose a brow. "How did you even find me down here?"

He shrugs gently. "When I saw you weren't in your room or your bathroom, I came down to look for you. I was careful to listen for your parents of course. I did see there wasn't any vehicles in the yard too." 

Nodding again I grab his hand and his glove. Leading him back to my room, turning off lights as we go upstairs. "They're on their nightly date night. I swear they go out for food and drinks just to pretend I'm not home waiting for them when they get back." 

I can feel him squeeze my hand. Stopping I look at him, a grimace on his face as I know he's getting annoyed. "I-I'm sorry, i wont say anything about them." 

He shakes his head. "No, it's not you. Parents should love their kids and want to be with them. Not use them as a maid service and pretend they aren't home." 

"Preaching to the choir over here." Raising my brows I look at him, a 'really?' look on my face. 

He looks at me before smiling to himself. "I just-" 

"You just what?" Getting into the room, I sit at my usual spot and he sits on my bed before flopping over. "I just worry about you. I don't know why." 

Feeling a thudding in my chest, I look at him, Smiling slightly. "Then I say that makes us even, I worry about you too." 

He sits up as he props himself on his elbows, looking at me. His hoodie riding up slightly, showing his abs and v line. "Why would you worry about me?"

I shrug gently. "I don't know. Just hope you wont get caught from the police or something." 

Getting off the bed, he sits in front of me on his knees. "I promise you're the first one to ever wake up on me. Probably another reason I stopped like I did. I was surprised." 

Smiling I giggle gently. "Really?" 

He nods as he looks at me. "Promise." 

Getting up and sitting on the bed, we watch a movie before he has to go. This time telling me he'll be back in a couple of days. Watching him disappear into the woods like usual, I close the window before sighing as I lean against it. Looking over to my bed, seeing his black gloves on the blanket. Grabbing them I smile gently, holding the worn black leather in my hands for a moment before putting them into my pillow case for safe keeping. Laying on my bed I look at the ceiling as I smile to myself, though that fades quickly when I remember I have to finish the chores still. 

"Damnit!" I groan as I get out of my bed and head downstairs. Mentally counting the minutes down as I wait for Jack to come back into my room. 

Now we're gonna be getting into the good stuff, just wait. 

I'll Follow You (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now