Chapter 3

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(1691 words) 

Your POV 

Hearing the window open I turn around to see Jack as he hops into the room. "What secrets are within your heart?"

Smirking I look at him. "Just my love for you."

He stops dead in his tracks as he looks at me, furrowing his brows as his mask is off already. "You can't be serious." 

I shrug gently as I stand up and walk over to him. "Why not? You're the only one I look forward to seeing, you're here when I need you."

"But I'm a monster, I'm hardly human anymore." 

I shake my head. "I don't care, you're more human than anyone I know." 

He sighs as he puts a hand in his hair. Looking down at me I watch him closely. "Are you sure about this?"

I nod gently. "I've never been more sure in my life about anything. You're my only friend, I want you, I want to be with you." 

He looks at me for a moment before he sighs, pulling me closer to him as he closes the gap between us, our lips touching. Holding onto him as his hands land on my hips, I smile into the kiss as I pull on his hair slightly, earning a small groan from him. Pulling away from him I look at him, he smiles gently the tension out of his shoulders as I rub them slightly. 



"Sit Jack." 

He does as he's told and sits on the bed, watching me as I sit on his lap, his hands finding their way to my hips again as he sits there. Our lips touching and moving together as one again. 

Cupping his face in my hands as his hands move around my body, tracing my sides befoe his cold hand slips under my hoodie. Jumping from the touch I make a small noise before he smirks into the kiss squeezing my hips and rolling us over so he was on top. Looking up at him as he squeezed my hips again, making me squirm.

He lets out a low chuckle as he watches what he was doing. Feeling my face heat up a little, I put my hands on his hoodie sleeves. "Jack, that's not fair~"

He leans down, nipping my ear and my neck with his sharp teeth, shivers shooting through me as he licked the spots he nibbles on. His hot breath cooling the area and my hair standing on end. Wrapping a leg around his hips I arch against him as he continues playing with me, making small vite marks here and there before soothihg them.

He pulls away for a second before pulling his hoodie off with a quick motion, his t shirt goijg with it. Looking at his grey skin, the moonlight shining on it as he sits on his knees, hovering over me. Tracing the old wounds from the ritual they did on him, that failed at the time. His hand grabs mine gently before he kisses the back of it.

Looking up at him he leans down again before he kisses me, his touch gentle and soothing as I forget what I was upset about the other day. Focusing on him only. His slender hands unzip my jacket, exposing my bra that was under it. His fingertips trace the fabric as I look at him, reading his face. Running his hands around the band of my bra, I arch my back towards him as he plants a kiss on my collar bone, before undoing my bra and it going somewhere on the floor with his hoodie.

His hands roam my sides as he leans down, pulling me towards him as ge kisses here ans there, leading them towards my breasts. Kissing the underside and up towards the hardening bud at the top, his lips wrapping around them for a moment as I could feel his tongue swirling around it.

Gasping at the sudden temperature change, I bite my lip my hands in his hair as I tug here and there. A low moan coming from his throat, causing me to shiver again from the vibrations. Stopping with one he changes to the other, I could feel the heat pooling between my legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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