Chapter 1

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In a settlement nestled within the rich landscapes of Pahang, the year was the late 19th century. The air was thick with tension as the British presence loomed over the region. A group known as HYDRA, led by the formidable army captain Syers, was orchestrating a campaign that sought to extend their dominion. Yet, Syers had not yet transformed into the infamous Red Skull; that dark transformation was a fate yet to befall him.

Accompanying Syers was Toga, a skilled British assassin hailing from the shores of Borneo. They were also joined by a formidable group of British Hydra soldiers, imposing figures in their own right. The soldiers, battle-hardened and resolute, shared uneasy glances as they prepared for their next mission. Syers, his voice commanding, spoke to his assembled team.

"We tread on the brink of a new era, my comrades," Syers began, his gaze piercing through the gathered soldiers. "Today, we face a challenge, a test of our resolve and supremacy. These local warriors, accused of treason, have dared to defy our presence in this land. But we are the iron fist that will bring order and control to these untamed territories."

Toga, his demeanor as enigmatic as his origins, stepped forward, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Our mission is clear," he added, his voice a cold whisper. "We shall apprehend these rebels and crush any resistance that may rise in their wake."

The soldiers exchanged knowing nods, their loyalty to Syers and their belief in the mission evident. But even among these dedicated warriors, there were flickers of doubt. The weight of their actions, the lives they disrupted, it wasn't lost on some of them. One soldier, a seasoned sergeant named Lewis, voiced his concerns.

"Sir," Lewis spoke up, his voice steady but carrying a hint of unease. "What about the innocent ones caught in the crossfire? The women, the children... We've seen the aftermath of our raids, and it's not just the rebels who suffer."

Syers' eyes narrowed, a flash of irritation crossing his features before he regained his composure. "Collateral damage is regrettable, but it is a necessary sacrifice for the greater good," he replied firmly. "Our cause is righteous, and in time, these lands will prosper under British rule."

Their mission? To hunt down three local warriors accused of treason. The conflict that ensued during this raid was brutal, with innocent residents falling victim including women and children to the rampage. The three warriors, faced with overwhelming odds, had little choice but to surrender, finding themselves imprisoned by the British forces.

Pahang, a land teeming with natural resources, was the target of the British expansion, a plan that sent shivers through the spines of local rulers. The actions and ambitions of the British colonizers, viewed as extreme by the local leaders, sparked a fierce opposition. The desire to protect their land, their way of life, and their freedom gave birth to a resistance movement.

Among those who yearned to rise against the British colonialists was Arif Muizuddin, a young man of twenty-something years, hardly a figure that would strike fear in the hearts of the enemy. Standing at a mere 5 feet tall and weighing a modest 90 pounds, Arif's appearance belied the fierce spirit that burned within him.

He was an asthmatic, his medical file reading like that of a frail elderly man, but his determination to enlist in the Tanah Melayu Army was unwavering. As Arif stood at the recruiting station in Putrajaya, his anticipation was palpable. The air seemed to hold its breath as the army doctor meticulously examined his medical records. This was Arif's fourth attempt to join the fight, and the doctor's verdict hung in the balance.

A rejection would mark him as "Gagal", a classification indicating he was unfit for military service, dashing his hopes once again. The doctor's brow furrowed as he studied the medical file, taking in the fragility that seemed to define Arif's physical condition. Arif watched the doctor, anxiety clutching at his chest. His breathing, usually labored due to his asthma, seemed even more strained in this moment of suspense.

The doctor's lips finally parted, and the words that followed would reject Arif's destiny. "I'm sorry, young man," the doctor began, his tone somber. "Given your condition, enlisting in active service would pose significant risks to your health. I'm afraid I cannot approve your application."

Arif's heart sank, a mixture of disappointment and frustration swirling within him. He had trained tirelessly, hoped fervently, and yet, it seemed the barriers were insurmountable. He clenched his fists, his determination unbroken despite this setback.

As he walked out of the recruiting station, his face flushed with emotion, a resolve crystallized within Arif.

After his disheartening rejection from the recruiting station, Arif Muizuddin found himself in Kuala Lumphattan, a village bustling with activity. The market was alive with the vibrant colors of goods for sale, but amidst the hustle, a villager was causing a ruckus, showing blatant disrespect for the items being sold. Arif, despite his own setbacks, could not stand idly by while such behavior went unchecked.

"Hey, you there! Show some respect!" Arif's voice rang out, carrying a surprising authority given his diminutive stature. The man turned around, towering over Arif, his imposing presence contrasting sharply with Arif's slight frame. A tense exchange ensued, and before Arif could anticipate it, the man lashed out, turning the exchange into a brutal confrontation.

In the narrow alley, Arif valiantly tried to defend himself, his determination shining through despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him. He threw punches with all the strength he could muster, but it was clear that he was outmatched. Still, he refused to yield, his resilience unwavering even as his opponent relentlessly attacked him.

"Why won't you just give up?" the towering figure demanded, frustrated by Arif's tenacity in the face of defeat. Bloodied and bruised, Arif's response was unwavering, a testament to the indomitable spirit that fueled his every action. "I can do this all day."

Just as the situation seemed dire, fate intervened in the form of Wahid Zamil, Arif's best friend. Wahid had heard the commotion and came rushing to the alley, showing no hesitation in coming to Arif's aid. With a swift and well-aimed kick, he sent the bully reeling, and then he turned his attention to his injured friend.

Arif, while grateful for Wahid's intervention, couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. It was as if Wahid had robbed him of the chance to find his second wind, to push through the pain and prove himself. Wahid, however, was not just any friend; he was a symbol of hope and resilience, someone who had managed to overcome the barriers that had blocked Arif's path.

Wahid: "Arif, are you alright? That was one tough scuffle, but you held your own."

Arif, breathing heavily: "Thanks, Wahid. I had it under control, you know."

Wahid: "Sure looked that way. You're as stubborn as a mule, my friend. But listen, I've got some big news."

Arif, intrigued: "News? What is it?"

Wahid shared the news that his application to join the Tanah Melayu Army had been accepted. He had been assigned to the 107th infantry, a significant step toward realizing his dreams of taking up arms against the British colonialists. This revelation filled Arif with mixed emotions. On one hand, he was proud of his friend, knowing that Wahid's dedication and perseverance had finally paid off. On the other hand, Arif couldn't shake the feeling that he was being left behind, that he was missing out on a chance to fight for the cause they both held dear.

Arif, with a mixture of pride and longing: "Wahid, that's incredible! I knew you had it in you. You're going to make a difference out there."

Wahid, placing a reassuring hand on Arif's shoulder: "Thanks, Arif. It's a big step, and I couldn't have done it without your support. But remember, there are many ways to fight for our cause, and you've got your own path to tread."

The bond between Arif and Wahid was unbreakable, forged in the fires of shared dreams and a fierce determination to stand against oppression. As Wahid tended to Arif's wounds, the two friends shared a moment of understanding, knowing that their paths were diverging but that their shared commitment to the fight for freedom would forever keep them connected...

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