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Daniel and Duke began to sing on stage as Daniel started first and thought about his mother. Next Duke began to sing next shocking everyone because of his voice and appearance qafter 15 minutes of performing people began to only pay attention to Daniel and compliment him instead of Duke.
Duke felt sad but the business guy that worked for the label that he auditioned for recognized him. "Your the kid from the audition right?" He asked "yes I am" Duke responded
He than gave him a credit card with his number to Duke.

Atleast that's what it seemed like instead he handed it to Daniel as the two of them were in shock. The boss started to criticize Duke saying he wasn't fit for the field causing Duke to tear up Daniel rejected his offer as the two singing together got uploaded to the internet except they edited Duke out of the video so as Y/n was on her drive to the second affiliate she uploaded the video of Daniel and Duke singing together as she smirked a victorious smirk.

Duke began to start streaming the next day it had seemed that Y/n wasn't here today and Jace, Zack, Jay, Vasco, and the girls noticed and asked Jay where she was Daniel translated everything for them "Guy's Y/n's just on a trip rn she'll be back in two days prior" Daniel explained as they nodded their heads in understandment.
Than at Daniel's desk a girl came up to him she seemed to be a streamer
Yui was being generous to Daniel and gave him a wallet today but he rejected nicely.

Y/n was currently at the second affiliate she was met with Ryuhei he seemed to have grown a bulge in his pants as she walked into the building as he was behind her and stopped her from continuing on. "So, Y/n why can't I fuck you?" "What did you just say?" "Why can't I-" Y/n kicked him on his ankle as he moaned "you know i like that Y/n" she just rolled her eyes and ighed in despair as she walked to Sinu's room. Ryuhei looked at her figure form the back admiring her plump butt as she walked.

Ever since he saw her he can't help but be interested.


Y/n walked into the 2 affiliate to get to Sinu as she saw a blonde guy with a lot of girls around him she stared at him confused and walked away he noticed and jogged up to the girl. As soon as he caught up with her his bulge was showing "hello? Are you alright?" "Oh yes! I'm alright, my name is Ryuhei can I fuck you?" He asked as she said no but noticed his bulge and playfully grabbed his torso moving him closer and rubbing against his bulge causing him to moan.

She giggled at his face and let go of him and walked away after that day he couldn't help but seduce her everyday to f her so she got annoyed each time but deep inside she wanted to control him on a string.


Y/n looked back and saw Ryuhei still on the ground she sighed and made a hand motion for him to come over he nodded excitedly. "Yes ma'am?" She suddenly hugged him which confused him but he hugged her back and started rubbing up against him he looked down to see her breasts up against his chest. "Do you want me?" She asked him making a heart on his chest "more than anything" "catch me" "huh?" She jumped up as he caught her.

She had her arms around his neck and her legs on his torso or around it she kissed him he kissed back and gripped her butt "Ryuhei" she breathed out the way she said his name will always be delightful to him. They stopped kissing as you kissed his cheek he let you down "that was a workout right Ryu?" He nodded she went closer to him and rubbed his bulge "it must be so hard for you, dealing with it everyday" "Pleasee mommy" "mommy?" She said quite surprised by that nickname. "See you later Ryu"
She walked off just like that as he panted "that woman will kill me someday but I don't care"

She made her way to Sinu's room and knocked he opened the door surprised it was you "Y/n?" He said surprised "Sinuuu" she hugged him as he hugged back "good to see you" "same for you" Y/n said grinning brightly "is neko heere?"  He shook his head "good" she pushed him into the room and closed the door as Sinu towered over her.

Yui started giving Daniel gifts almost everyday he always rejected them tho
Daniel started crushing on Yui but always thought of Y/n first. Zoe and two other friends along with Yui went out to go shopping "look how cute this is!" Zoe said talking about a cute pouch the two girls just glanced as Yui said "goodness it's ugly it really doesn't suit you." The two girls backed her up.

Y/n woke up to see Sinu beside her on his bed she smiled at him and kissed his forehead and began to write a heart with her finger on his chest. She than got up with her clothes on as well she heard the knock at the door and answered it to see Ryu "hi Ryu" "hellooo Y/n! Your rides here to take you back home" "ok thanks Ryu" she smiled at him as he smiled back with a fake smile. As he had to hear her moan Sinu's name right outside the door.

He was jealous he wanted to punch Sinu's face in but Y/n and Neko wouldn't like that. He watched in sadnessvas shevwalked away just to see Kenta in her way "what Kenta?" "Y/n love me" "huhhh?" "No thankss" she said and walked passed him. "Give me a chance!" "I like someone else sorry" she said and waved goodbye.
Kenta stood their in sadness and anger as Ryu just held his shoulder "it's okay buddy it happens to me half the time" "I wonder why tch" Kenta said.

The next day Zoe saw Yui with the pouch she wanted. She went up to them to ask about the pouch but they only ignored her instead but the classroom door was soon opened as Y/n walked in with a smirk on her face "hi Zoe!" "Hi Y/n!" Zoe went up to her and gave her a big hug Zack and Jay along with Mira and Jiho and the rest of the gang crowded around her to ask what she did on her trip. Daniel saw that Y/n looked more thicker than before her thighs looked so squishy to play with to him.

Yui and her friends watched Jealousy as Y/n smiled at them Zack walked her to her suit as she said hi to Daniel.

e said hi back and asked how she was. Yui seemed to be jealous more like angry at Y/n for Daniel. Zoe started streaming too.
But than it was the next day the Architecture department was talking about love "it's because she was your first love guys fall really hard for the first girl that they like so chin up Woong first love is like that." Jace said.

As the rest of the class talked about love Vasco thought about it too (I wonder... do I love Y/n?) He asked hinself.

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