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After the stalker had fully located Zoe he watched as Zoe walked home from a day of school he watched her quietly and creepily.
It was nighttime Zoe was currently changing into her clothes as she yelled for he room asking where her clothes are Zoe's clothes seemed to have disappeared  her stalker watched from outside as he sniffed her underwear.

Little Daniel was working on the job again as the stalker came into the store looking happy. He starred at his phone smiling as Little Daniel noticed it was Zoe than he saw him swipe and go into Y/n's broadcast
He noticed little Daniel looking and starred down at him as Daniel got creeper out. The stalker put down a bottle of whiskey again (another bottle of whiskey? What's this!) Daniel thought as he noticed something about the stalker.

Zoe was taking out the trash as she talked to Y/n over the phone "so Y/n who do you have a crush on?" She asked "hmm hard to say but I like Eli from the Beauty dept and maybe even Vasco too or Zack and Jay as well? their all really nice and cute I don't know who to pick!" She said over the phone in distress than a voice came from over the phone "Y/n! I'm home!" "That's my roommate, ttyl" "bye Y/n"
Her stalker came out of nowhere "excuse me can you help me?" He asked her.

"I don't know the way" "ohh well you see I don't" Zoe said walking backwards little Daniel came out of nowhere and shouted "Zoe! Stay back" Zoe was thinking bad of Daniel until "Zoe! Stay back he has a knife" he shouted she was immediately shaking once she heard those words the stalker charged at them immediately. Daniel punched it away shocking the two than he copied Zack's move causing the stalker to close his eyes but opened them again as he noticed Daniel was too short.

He charged straight at Zoe tackling her to the ground as she was too shocked to say anything "you were rude to me! What's wrong with my looks?!" He shouted at her than a random dumbell came out of nowhere and hit him on the head as Zoe got away from the stalker.
"You are something else." Vasco said "I saw everything you punk!" Vasco said.


little Daniel followed the stalker and saw him hold a knife so he called 911 "there is a man holding a knife" "where is your location" "an alleyway!" "A alleyway?" "Are you being threatened?" "No" "is he drunk?" "Nope" "could you speak louder?" "I'm trying to hide from him though!" "How is he carrying the knife? What is the address?" The police asked. "Please hurry" little Daniel said "is it a razor a kitchen knife?" He asked.

(It's an emergency so why is he checking me so much!) Little Daniel thought they said they would send an officer as Little Daniel called for Vasco to help "hello?" "Hi!" "Your working out? Ig your busy" Daniel said. "There was a person with a knife and I'm scared." "Where." Vasco said "huh!" "Where is the villain" "it's near the convenience store" Daniel said as a voice came out of nowhere. Little Daniel noticed that he was talking to Zoe.

Daniel dropped his phone as Vasco asked for the location.


"You are something else." Vasco said  breathlessly the guy started to randomly swing the knife as Vasco caught his wrist. Vasco grabbed him by the throat holding the guy up in the air an old man started talking from behind them "wait! That's my son" he shouted "dad! Your embarrassing me in front of Zoe!" The guy shouted. Vasco let go of him as he started to complain as for his father started to beg for forgiveness. Little Daniel saw himself in him the way he acted with his mother.

"I'm not sure what your saying but you don't blame other ppl for your mistakes" Vasco said. "Violent ignorant punks like u don't understand! At the bottom of the pyramid no matter how hard you struggle you can never make it to the top. I can't overcome it!" He said shouting. "I overcame it." Vasco said as the police finally got there the father begged for his son to be free as soon as the cops shown up the people in the shadows came out.

Zoe hugged little Daniel tightly "piggy! Does it hurt? Are you alright" Zoe asked worried as a single tear went down Vasco's cheek. Zoe suggested that she give the old man half of her earnings to him to help him. As for
Y/n she was being hugged by Dg "you never let go do you?" "How can I let go of you so easily?" He asked her "how would I know?" "Wanna find out?" "No thanks" "don't do this now, don't do this now" he sang. "there's just inches in-between us" "I want you to give in, I want you to give in" Y/n sang

"Weakness, tension in between us i just wanna give in and I don't care if I'm forgiven." Y/n sanged staring deeply into Dg's eyes as he raises her chin so their eyes meet. "CUT! Nice work you two amazing job! I'll see you two tomorrow" the director said as they nodded the staff packed up you and him were working with Dg on a new k drama it was called Soulless love it's about a woman getting her revenge on everyone who wronged her and a man swooping in to cover her tracks.

"If only you stared at me like that Y/n" "oh stop it" "I'll see you tomorrow sleep well" he said leaving her room to go to his.





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