Chapter Fourteen

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I open the door and hug Enzo quickly, shocking him briefly before he wraps his arms around my waist holding me tightly.

Enzo moves away after a moment to look at me concerned, "What was that for? Are you okay?" He asks. I step away from him and go sit on the couch, my hands shaking.

Enzo closes and locks the door coming to sit next to me, he sees my shaking hands and grabs them gently.

"No, I'm not okay, I'm far from it," I say, my voice nothing but a rasp after crying.

"What happened?" He asked I looked up with fear clear in my eyes, my words get caught in my throat and I burst into tears again.

Enzo pulls me into his lap so he can hold me tightly against him, running his hand through my hair.

"Did somebody hurt you? Threaten you?" He asks I shake my head no to the first question.

"He found me Enzo, Kyle found me," I sob, he shushes me reassuringly.

"He can't get in here, you're safe with me." He whispers into my ear. I pull away slightly to look at him.

"He messaged me, he said he's coming for me," I say raspy, I show him the messages and see the anger in his eyes at that.

"I won't let him take you from me," he whispers pulling me into another embrace. One arm around my waist tightly and the other on the back of my head, my face in his neck inhaling his scent.

"Promise?" I ask taking a deep breath in.

"I promise Darling," Enzo says. I stay straddled in his lap holding onto him for a while until I'm finally calm.

I stand up looking at the time on my phone, it's 2:30 pm now. I go to the kitchen grab my shaker cup and fill it with milk and a raspberry ripple protein shake.

I put the stuff away and shake the shaker cup back and forth until it's all mixed up, I sit next to Enzo and lean my head on his shoulder.

"You should eat more real food, Darling," Enzo says softly, I sigh.

"You know I don't eat Enzo, it won't change. I haven't eaten a proper meal since I was told my mum died," I said, he nodded.

I had told Enzo about my mum when he first asked me why I didn't eat. It was hard to talk about Mum, the wound was still too fresh for me.

I don't think I'll ever get over it, she was my everything. I don't know how I'm surviving without her by my side.

"I know, I just worry." He says resting his head atop mine.

"Worry about what?" I ask I take a mouthful of my shake.

"That you'll kill yourself not eating, you're not getting the nutrients you need." He said, I hum to him and keep drinking my shake.

Enzo turns on the TV and Xbox and goes to Disney+ putting on Grey's Anatomy. My favourite surgeon shows right now.

I finish my shake washing the cup and leaving it to dry on the sink then lay down on the couch.

I'm curled up to Enzo on his lap, he's softly running his fingers through my hair when there's a knock at my door.

It's only 5 pm now. I sit up and look at Enzo worried before silently getting up to go to the door. Enzo pauses the show.

I look through the peephole to see Klaus. I sigh looking down and shake my head. I unlock the door and open it glaring at him.

"You stalking me now Mikaelson?" I say Enzo stands up on alert.

"No love, Just wondering if you'd be so nice as to invite me in," He said with a small smirk. I press my lips together.

"No," I say bluntly, his smirk falls briefly.

"Always so rude to me," he says with a slight tone. I give him a sarcastic smile as Enzo walks over placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I told you this morning I don't have to be nice to you, go away," I say stepping back into Enzo's hold.

Klaus follows my movements and raises an eyebrow at it. "Protective are we Enzo?" Klaus asks.

"Very, you should go," Enzo says calmly keeping eye contact with Klasu, who just chuckles.

"I was here to talk to Skye," Klaus says, looking at us.

"Why?" Enzo asks.

"Private matters," Klaus snips at Enzo.

"Whatever you want to talk to me about you can do it with Enzo here," I say defiantly. Klaus sighs annoyed.

"Very well, I'm here to ask you on a date," Klaus says, I look from him to Enzo and back surprised.

"A date? Why?" I ask unable to keep my curiosity at bay.

"Because you intrigue me," He says, I think about it for a moment.

"I'm sorry but no, I can't.  Somebody is looking for me and I refuse to leave my apartment for now," I say, Klaus gives me a look.

"We can do it here, you won't have to leave." He says, I take a breath and look at Enzo, I don't know what to do.

"Don't look at me, Darling, it's your choice." He says softly, I nod.

"Fine okay, we can order in or something." I finally agree on a breath. Klaus smiles in victory.

"I'll see you tomorrow night at 7, we'll get Chinese if you like," he declares. I nod.

"Okay, bye now Klaus," I say, my hand on the door ready to shut it.

"Goodbye Skye, I'll see you tomorrow, " he says then I close the door and lock it. I turn to Enzo and rest my head on his chest.

He chuckles and pats my shoulder. We walk back to the couch and go back to watching Grey's Anatomy until I fall asleep in Enzo's lap.

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