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"Thanks for inviting me"

Changbin bowed his head at them and the other three smiled "Of course! Making new friends is always something good" Jisung gave him a friendly smile before unlocking the door. He was about to push it open but quickly stopped and turned around with a nervous expression "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to mention something" he spoke mainly to Changbin since the other two already knew, "Do you believe that hybrids are real?" his question made Changbin confused since it wasn't something he expected but he answered regardless "Um.. I guess? I've seen hybrids before so yeah"

He looked at Chan and Hyunjin with his brows furrowed and they waved it off while Jisung nodded his head "Perfect" he opened the door and shouted "I'm home!"

They waited for a few seconds before they saw two boys running towards Jisung and bringing him to a tight hug "Welcome back!" Felix grinned and pulled away. He finally noticed the three people standing behind Jisung so he quickly hid behind his older brother "Stranger danger!" his ears lowered, feeling scared.

"Hm?" Minho looked over his shoulder as Felix pointed behind Jisung. The older glanced to where he was pointing at and when he saw the strangers he frowned and met Jisung's eyes "Are you selling us?"

That got Jisung off guard as his eyes widened "What? Of course not, what are you talking about?" he stepped aside to let the others in "Then who are they?" Minho asked, taking a step back in case they tried to harm them.

"These are my friends! This is Chan hyung, Hyunjin and Changbin hyung" Jisung introduced them one by one with a small smile "And now they're your new friends! They wanted to meet you" he explained and Minho eyed the three who waved at him "Wanted to meet us?" he tilted his head as he pointed to himself and Felix, whose head was the only thing visible.

"Mhm!" he pushed his friends inside before closing the door behind him "I'll bring you guys something to drink and if you're hungry then we can order later" he clapped his hands and went to the kitchen, leaving the two hybrids with his friends.
There was an awkward silence between them and Chan being the most social out of them decided to break it "So.. It's good to finally meet you. Jisung has said a lot about you two"

He offered them a friendly smile and Felix immediately felt more comfortable around him "Really? What does he say?" he curiously asked and stepped out from behind Minho "I assume good stuff right? If not then I'll bite him"

Changbin chuckled and placed his hands in his pockets "I like this one" what he said made Minho narrow his eyes at him before smirking, thinking of something "You can take him if you want, I'm sure he likes you too"

Changbin's eyes opened slightly and Felix slapped Minho's arm "Hyung! What are you saying??" he whined as he pouted and crossed his arms in embarrassment. Thankfully his gaze was on the floor so he couldn't see the way Changbin was looking at him. The boy found Felix very cute.

"Payback for what you told Jisung when we first talked to him"

"I was telling the truth though!"

Minho's glare at him was enough to make Felix close his mouth. They gestured for the others to follow them to the couch and that moment Jisung also brought their drinks. Placing then on the coffee table, Han grabbed a stool and sat down next to Minho "Did you meet properly?"

They all nodded "There was a small talk but it was enough to figure out their behaviour" Hyunjin laughed and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist. Jisung nodded and took a sip of his cola, "So, Changbin hyung. Are you happy?"

"What is it with you and questions like this? Usually people ask about jobs and stuff like that"

Jisung shrugged "Well, jobs are important for good living but if you are not happy or healthy then what's the point?" he had a point.

While Changbin was talking about his job as a barman, Jisung's hand had reached up at Minho's head as he scratched his ears. He knew Minho liked the feeling.

"That sounds like a hard job. It's so cool you are able to do this" Felix stood up and moved seats, pushing the others away to sit down next to Changbin "And even though you work for so long you are still able to look like this!"

"Look like this? You mean like what?"


Minho chocked on his drink and he coughed while Chan helped him by patting his back. Meanwhile Felix was unbothered from that and touched Changbin's biceps "I wonder how it'd feel if you put me in a headlock.. They're so big!" he hummed as Changbin raised his eyebrows in surprise.



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