Chapter 5 - A Proposal Of The Ages

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Walking into the courtroom, Oronotili Sorei spat an acidic black substance above the queen's head and gave her a blank, expressionless stare that froze Il Loch Gneiss Mare in her throne. As he did so, the guards in the courtroom charged at him, not knowing that it would mean their end. Pulling out a scythe, he stabbed one of the guards throats and slowly ripped off his head, and as he did, the tendons stretched and blood poured everwhere. The other guards, seeing this, ran for terror. 'Run, run while you can. Either surrendor or suffer a fate worse than your friend whom I have killed', said Oronotili Sorei. 'And what would you do? We'll defend the queen with our lives!', said Bgniolm Maertuulf, whowas one of the quuen's elite guards. 'First.....castration, then a meat hook sodomy, then decapitation, then you'll be skinned and fed to cannibals', said Orontili Sorei. 'Gods be damned. How is it possible for such a despicable man to exist? What is your buisness? Leave now and we'll spare you', said Bgniolm Maertuulf. 'Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. You foolish mortal, I am not of this world, and as for my buisness, well, you'll see in good time', said Orontili Sorei before gouging his long wicked fingers in Bgniolm's eyes, then slowly dragging them down his face before ripping out his lungs and casting them aside. Throwing Bgniolm hard against the wall to bleed out, Orontili stepped towards Queen Il Loch Gneiss Mare. 'Queen Il Loch Gneiss Mare, I have need of your services. Serve me, and you will be rewarded with eternal life, resist me and your fate shall be a thousand times worse than your guards. You have 10 seconds to make your choice, mortal', said Oronotili Sorei. The queen, fearing for her life for the umpteenth time, quickly agreed. Picking up the queen, Orontili pulled out an ancient dagger forged by Reizynd Fuulraix in the year 156. This dagger, although once made for good intent, has now seen virtue's dark side and scars a contract in it's victims. It bears an ancient language unknown to almost all, being around since before the stone golems and dragons, and they're considered some of the oldest people on Earlth. Though it reads 'darkness fulfilled, blood of kings broken', it originally meant that light had conquered evil and that kings heirs created many branching families. But now, however, it means "darkness conquers all, death to the kings and all their children". You do know that Vlaord Trwhite the 3rd used this blade to murder king Symphoricarpos Occidentalis, don't you? After all, it still bears his scent", said Oronotili Sorei, grinning as he licked the dagger. "Why are the words glowing? Does it have some sort of enchantment? How do you know of the murder of King Symphoricarpos Occidentalis? Please tell me, I'll give you all of my wealth and my kingdom", pleaded Queen Il Loch Gneiss Mare, her voice showing tremendous fear. "I am an all-seeing, all-knowing wizard. Nothing goes past me, I know everything that has happened in the past 7000 years. You see, wizards have the innate ability to tell time and leach local news from everywhere. For instance, the 2348 year old wizard Royth-D'Faelruum was born in the Cveltrum district in the city of Eedyun Gwrellill'Njed, which is located in the province of Qréèn. As a child he studied at the prestigious Cooloupindex Academy of magic for the first 170 years of his life. He was lucky to attend this school or even live for that matter, as magical prowess is taken very seriously in Qréèn, especially in Eedyun Gwrellill'Njed. Because those who did not show promise in the arcane arts were usually abandoned, exiled, or killed, though abandonment was the preferred method. In northern Qréèn they are usually exiled, in eastern Qréèn they are abandoned, and in southern Qréèn they are killed. Southern Qréèn is known to be a major hub for conservatives and escaped slaves, eastern Qréèn is known to be a center of commerce and medicine, and northern Qréèn is known to be a source of advanced science and technology and contains the majority of Qréèn's middle class. Though southern Qréèn is home to most of the lower class and eastern Qréèn is home to most of the to most of the upper class. Finally, the majority of Qréèn is incredibly fertile due to the high presence of volcanic soil. His studies were very rigorous and kept him up to approximately 1:36 AM every night, just 4 hours before he was required to wake up. After 90 years of studying as a student at the academy, he became Zxuucinnioleui, which was the highest obtainable office in the academy. Royth-D'Faelruum's rule as Zxuucinnioleui was considered the greatest since the days of Srirenkl Tmenptiq, though as with everything, it was riddled with controversy. Out of all the accusations made against him, the most serious were promiscuity, necromancy, prostitution, and being a crime lord. Finally, after 80 years in office, Royth-D'Faelruum was unceremoniously stripped of his title and sent to the gallows. And unfortunately for him, the day of execution was the day the people of Zou Shanyuan paid sacrifice to the sacred dragons of Maecruos. The sacrifices were paid to the dragons to ensure their safety, 7 women, 3 men, and 2000 gold. The significance of this number is that on 7/3/2000 the day of the newborn dragon prince, Ytrap Eninenine. Maecruos is a small deserted mountainous island located west of Zou Shanyuan. Maecruos is home to 3 cities and 5 mountain ranges. The cities are: Miricificus, Alacocaca, and Ezisytrap. The mountain ranges are known as Or'Gni, Egodi, Efnos, Egnaro, and Ektrv. But you probably want to know more about Royth-D'Faelruums' execution yes? Any who back to the story. Because of his immense power, he was forced to wear a Hood of Concealment and have his hands bond in a small 7 chamber, 128 lock box so he couldn't escape. Though it was effective at first, Royth-D'Faelruum discovered that a certain element in the lock was vulnerable to his power and actually increased it. And before you ask why it had this element, the blacksmith in charge of making it was bribed into adding it. This element is known as Thramethantite. Since Thramethantite is only native to Gordak, it is extremely costly to import. Even the emperors of The Old Age were hesitant to import it as it usually costs 53,850 Klonesses, which was the universal currency of Earlth. Although it is now virtually extinct. The currency that had replaced it is the Aug'shon, although it is not as beautiful and is 5 times less than the Klonesse. And even though there is a universal currency, every country has its own currency, even cities and districts within cities have their own. For instance, the Jiang Chang Pu Citr of Ischirione's currency is the Nieelswavu. Though once again I have gone off on a tangent, sooooo much knowledge, and yet, so little time, for you anyway. Now, where was I, oh yes, it was not discovered that the blacksmith had been bribed until 18 days after Royth-D'Faelruum had escaped. But by then, the blacksmith and the man who bribed him were long gone. The blacksmith had slipped off to the Hyphie Isles, while the briber sailed for Xunaufein Ousslyl, and any connections to whom the Boat-master they hired could not be found. Though it was rumored that the Phoropodes Brothers were involved in the conspiracy. And while the king's elite guards searched for the briber and blacksmith, Royth-D'Faelruum gathered a massive a massive army to lead an assault on the kings' palace. At his height of power, the king is able to muster 12,000 spearmen, 4,000 horsemen, 2,000 light infantry and 3,000 heavy infantry. Though this is a small army compared to your army of 850,085. Heh heh, though this pales in comparison to the king of Urthenijor's army. For 15% of his army is 360,000 and that is just the reserve. And in case you wonder how there is so large an army, elves typically give birth to 4 - 12 children in their lifetime, and most elven nations have a population of  500 million.

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