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Jacob sat on the couch and Gio sat in her chair behind the desk wearing a pair of black slacks and a short sleeved dark blue polo shirt. When she saw the bandage around his left arm, she controlled the urge to cry.

Gio saw her quivering bottom lip and asked Jacob to get out for a moment and he looked at Gia for confirmation and she nodded her head yes for him to go.

Jacob walked out and closed the door behind him.

Gio rounded the desk and took Gia in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tight.

"Listen to me Giada Benedetti, I love you woman and even if you shoot me once a week that won't change."

Gia pulled back from his warm and strong chest and looked up at him. "You love me? since when?"

"Too many damn years to count. No woman will ever touch me, of that you have to be sure. You have to trust me that everything I do is for your safety and for your benefit, just like Bruno did."

"Harmony is alive. Now tell me why the hell you have her fucking Dante and spying on him to boot?"

"I have to keep my woman safe, don't I?" He leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips. His hands began to wonder, and Gia moaned in his mouth.

Gio pulled away slowly pecking her lips several times. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." Gia lied. She didn't trust him anymore and she didn't know if she could ever trust him again like she had done once before. There was something going on, she could feel it in her bones and her bones never lied. Giovanni Conti was up to something, and it had everything to do with her.

"Good, now will you trust that you're the only woman in my life? you're the only woman that makes me go crazy with passion. The only woman that occupies my thoughts every single moment of the day and night. I do love you sweetheart and I'm also very much in love with you." He kissed her again and pulled back before he took her on the desk and ripped her again because he would be fucking her hard and fast.

Jacob walked inside and Gio left to make small talk with Dante to keep him occupied long enough for Gia to have her meeting with Jacob.

"I have all kinds of news and I don't know if you're going to like it, Boss," Jacob said sitting down on the couch in front of her.

"Alright, how about you ease me into it seeing as I'm exhausted, and I already shot one of you today." She knew that the news of her shooting Gio had gotten around. It had earned her more respect from her men and also more fear.

"Yeah sure, okay." Jacob stood up and pulled out a pen drive from his pocket. "We need to go into the cubby, Boss. It's safer if I show you in there what I found."

Gia reached her hand underneath her desk and placed her index finger on the fingerprint reader and waited for the door to open before she removed her finger. When they were both inside the cubby, Gia followed the same procedure to close the door. Jacob sat on a desk chair in front of the desktop computer he had installed and put the pen drive in the USB port.

"I had to dig in virtual wastelands for this information. It wasn't easy but I got it and whoever got rid of this didn't want anyone to find it. The only problem is that the files that I was able to recover are password protected or should I say identity protected."

Gia had a vague idea of what Jacob said, but she wanted to hear it from him anyway.

"The files need a certain DNA to be able to be opened. And I am guessing that it was your father who got rid of all this or someone connected to him. Now, since you share DNA with your father, I think we might be able to open them with your blood. All I have to do is connect the pen drive to this special tablet that reads and connects files with DNA..."

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