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The ranks were all gathered in Gia's office waiting for her to clue them in as to what was going down. They knew that something big had to be brewing because they had heard chatter for days now. The crew had their ears and eyes open, and their mouths closed as usual.

Luka, Rico, and Lorenzo had all heard different rumors, and they had no idea which ones to believe, so when their Boss had ordered their presence early that morning in her office, they knew something was about to go down.

"Boss," Luka was the first one to speak up, "what the hell is going on? the chatter is incessant out there and the Family is on pins and needles."

"No doubt they are but it will all be over soon. Before I go on with this meeting there is a piece of information you all need to know about." Gia stopped speaking and Kade walked out of the bathroom.

Clarise gasped in shock as did her ranked. Kade walked over to Gia and kissed her lips gently and wrapped his right arm around her waist holding her possessively to his side.

"You're alive? But how?" Clarise voiced the question on everyone's lips.

"Gio was going to use Kade as leverage against me to get his hands on the Family," Gia informed them.

"Motherfucker!" Rico growled.

"Why is the fucker still breathing?" Clarise asked with anger clear on her face.

Gia didn't move from Kade's side. She had been experiencing some sort of issues whenever he was gone for too long or whenever he was not near her. She assumed it had everything to do with the fact that she had thought he had died and had grieved him feeling her soul shatter. She still lay awake at night watching him sleep making sure that his chest rose and fell with every breath that he took.

Kade was aware of Gia's situation, and he was more than glad to assuage her emotional load.

"I want the crew to start picking the Dragos off one by one. Start with the women of the ranked and work your way up. It will throw their balance off and cause chaos among the Family. You're not to be seen or heard. You will move like fucking shadows. Every business, every contact will be hit and taken out. Every fucking thought that comes from Giovanni Drago will be taken care of before it becomes a reality. I will have him on his knees for what he has done to my husband," Gia said, tightening her hold on Kade.

"Husband?" Lorenzo looked at Kade for confirmation.

"Yes, husband," Kade said with a very satisfied smile on his face. "Your Boss and I were married two days ago in a private ceremony. After last time, we decided it would be safer that way, besides, Gio still thinks I'm rotting away in his tombs."

What happened next had Gia controlling her emotions. Every ranked member of her Family stood and faced Kade and went down on their right knee and placed their brand over their heart and swore their respect and loyalty to him.

Kade was moved and thanked them and ended the meeting knowing that Gia would burst out in tears at any moment. She had been crying a lot lately and he was beginning to worry about her.

Once they were back in the safety of their house, Kade held her while they sat in front of the fireplace. He stroked her back and her side and kissed her head a few times before he began to speak.

"I think we need to make an appointment with Doc," he said gently knowing she would argue with him once again.

"I'm fine, Kade. I'm just going through some—"

"I think you're pregnant, love," he blurted out.

He had had his suspicions but had wanted to make sure not wanting to get her hopes up in case it really was the stress taking its toll on her again.

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