CHAPTER 4: Have fun

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I woke up the next day in an unfamiliar house.

It took me another couple of seconds of dazing before completely gathering my scattered thoughts and taking in the reality which I almost thought was a dream.

It wasn't just the place that I found foreign, so was the silence.

When I sat up, I noticed a soft fabric was covering me.

I'm certain I don't have this last night...

Then my eyes moved to the coffee table.

... As well as that black rectangular card.

I picked up the card and the yellow note with it.

'Use this however you please. Treat yourself and have fun. I forgot its max, though. But it won't be less than million. Enjoy :)

I could almost hear his nonchalant tone from the note.

And I can't believe he would leave his card to a girl he just met.

It can't be that he's just naíve, can it? There's no way he is after how he appeared to be too devious. Or am I judging him too quickly? Could it be that he's just really kind? Or perhaps, a fool? Whatever. Maybe he's really just some crazy old guy who has too much money to spare.

How is he so rich, anyway? I wonder what he works as.

He said the only rule I must follow is that I can't ask him why, and I think he's referring to the reason why he asked me to live with him. So, it means I can still ask anything except for why.

Still, I wonder why I can't ask why?

I sighed and slapped my cheeks. "There's no point wondering, Aira. I have a feeling that he would never answer me no matter how many times I ask. Let's just enjoy this life for now."

I bit my lip and looked at the black card I put back on the table.

Small smile drew on my lips. Now, then... what should I use this for first?

The first thing I did was brush my teeth and wash my face. He's even keeping new toothbrushes in his cabinet and lots of face towels. His place was more or less like a hotel now at this point.

When I entered Luke's laundry room, I found my clothes from yesterday hanging dry and clean. Even my underwear!

That damn shameless old man!

My face heat up in annoyance and embarrassment. But when I remembered how seeing me with nothing but those mere undergarments yesterday didn't even faze him a little, I eased my embarrassed self.

He won't even blink an eye when an actual woman was standing almost naked in front of him, for sure washing these and hanging it here means nothing to him.

Since my plan to wash my clothes first and wait for it to dry was already done by Luke, it cut me some trouble and just proceeded to preparing to go out.

After changing into my clothes from yesterday, I went out of the penthouse.

There was no any hassle on my out. I was even greeted with respect by the security guard and receptionist. They seem to know exactly who I was. I mean, they called me 'Miss Aira'. Bet Luke told them about me.

I just nodded at them awkwardly before leaving the building.

I wasn't sure yesterday since it was dark, but now, I'm sure I have been around here before. This was the building I always thought to be only for the rich, and I guess I wasn't entirely wrong.

After hailing a cab, I finally decided to check on Fatima. She must be sober now and was wreaking havoc in our neighborhood, looking for me. Tsk. That's how she usually is when the toxins she took have already left her system.

"You can drop me off here, Sir." I handed over Luke's black card to pay.

While waiting for the card back, I saw two familiar kids across the road. The other kid seems to be crying.

"Here's your card, Ma'am. Thank you."

"Ah. Oh. Yeah. Thank you." I nodded my head a bit and put the card in my bag and ran to the two kids I saw. "Pau! Lea!"

Paula and Lea are the fraternal twin sisters who live next to us. I've grown fond of them since Kuya Lito, their father, was the only kind person who would give me food when they have extra.

The girls turned to me at the same time. Pau, which was the kid crying, hugged me when I got nearer.

"Hello, ate Aira!" Lea.

"What happened? Why is she crying? Why are you crying, Pau?"

"Papa bought us ice cream before he left for work. But Pau's fell to the ground and when we ran after Papa, Papa already's gone for work, so she couldn't buy another one," Lea explained and even shook her head like she's so disappointed.

I smiled and let out a sigh of relief. I thought they're being bullied again by the boy living across the apartment we live in.

"Good news, girls," I smirked. "I happpened to have lots and lots of money today."

Their eyes instantly twinkled. "Really?!"

"Of course. Let's go and buy you more ice cream!"

"Yey! Can you buy us some candies, too?"

"Duh. Just candies? Let's buy you some toys, too."

They cheered together as we went to the closest mall. The three of us went on with choosing the toys they wanted, we ate, and had fun in arcades. It was already past 3PM when we left. Yet, I don't think I spent more than half of what's in Luke's card.

When we're near the apartment Pau pulled my shirt down.

"We have a lot of toys and foods! Are you really rich now, ate Aira?" Pau asked.

I laughed. Technically, it wasn't my money. But who cares? Luke said to go and have fun.

"I'll only tell you this since you're my best friends, so keep it a secret, alright?" They nodded cutely. "Actually, I live with a rich guy who gives me money now."

Their cute round eyes widened. "Really?!" they excitedly exclaimed.

"Uh-huh..." I slowly nodded with a grin.

"Woooow... Can I find a rich guy who would give me a lot of money, too, when I grow up?" Lea suddenly asked.

My eyes widened before I bursted into laughter. "Oh, gosh, you Lea..." I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes from laughing too much. "I don't know. But I know that if you finished your school and had work to have money of your own, you won't need no rich man in your life, Lea. So, do well in your school, be a successful woman who doesn't need a man in his life."

I wanna add, 'Don't be like me', but I think that would be too dark and heavy. And I don't plan to throw a pity party with these kids.

"But Papa has a work, yet he still doesn't have a lot of money," Pau said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Who says he doesn't? He bought you ice cream, remember? He has enough to buy you foods and clothes. Your Papa just uses his money wisely for the two of you. So, always be kind to Kuya Lito--"


My body froze when I heard that familiar yell of a woman.

"Hah! I knew it's you, you unfilial child!"

Pau and Lea both hugged my legs. "Ate Aira... It's your scary mama!"

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