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I guess this is the part where I tell you about me.  There really is nothing much to know, other than the fact that I'm 24 yrs.  I've been in a relationship with Jack Reja, CEO of J&R, since I graduated college two years ago.

Our love story isn't really a special one.  I met him while I was job hunting and I fell in love at first sight.
My first encounter with his family wasn't a good one though.  His mother despises me and I was so shocked when Jack told me she wanted to meet with me.

She doesn't like me because she thinks I'm not suitable enough for her son.  Maybe she has come to accept the fact that were dating.  Maybe I can finally be happy with Jack.  Maybe..... I'll finally be able to breathe without feeling this way.

I feel suffocated by everything and everyone and Jack makes it all go away.  He make some feel complete.  Like I have nothing to worry about.  Like I can breathe. 

I love him so much but lately, he's been acting really weird.  I don't know why he's been acting this way.  If only he would just talk to me. Communicate.  Things would probably be better than they are now.

I'm helping Diane pack up all the things she'll need.  She's moving in a few days. I don't have enough time to spend with her.  I feel like crying right now, but I'll stay strong.  I don't want her to feel bad.

"Soooo, are you ready to see his family" how is she so happy

"Yeah I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders

" Naomi" she paused for a little while" something is wrong and you're not telling me " I guess I can't keep it to myself anymore

I let out the first tear and the rest came like an open dam.
" I just.....I need you ......I need someone....and you're.... you're leaving now.....on top of it all....I'm ....I-I" I said in-between tears

" You're what" she looks broken.  Like she's about to cry too.  She was faking it.  She said too and that makes me cry more.  I can't hide it any longer

" I'm pregnant" I said and my crying seemed to increase

" Oh my goodness, Naomi.  Why didn't you tell me"

" I don't know I just couldn't" my tears seem to have reduced

" Does he know" Diane said after a while. And I nodded my head in a no

" He doesn't" I said and she gave me a hug.  I really need that right now.

" I can't do this.  We're going to him to tell him right now"

" I can't "

" Why!!" She seems angry.

" I don't think he'll take the news well" I said looking down

"Well I don't give a fv*k if he takes it well or not we're going now" I can't argue with her, cause she was already shoving me in her car and we're on our way to meet Jack

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