Chapter 4 - Mia

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It was in the middle of the night when they forced us out of our beds and dragged us kicking and screaming.

Or at least I thought it was the middle of the night. Not that our cage had any sunlight or windows to prove it. And as nice as a place as it was, there was no changing that it was anything else and imprisonment. Though if you asked me, I could have probably spent a few more days there without complaint.

The demons that barged in to get us were all wearing the same black uniform and many of them looked human save for the horns, claws, and sharp teeth. At least it wasn't that creepy fucked up ghost from before.

Iris allowed them to take her without much fight, giving up almost as soon as her feet touched the hallway outside our room.

Eve and I on the other hand...

"Get your hands off me you fucker!"

I tried to break out of the guards hold, but both of them were against me, forcing my arms to my side. One of them already got fed up with my screaming and forced a hand over my mouth. I tried to bite it, but the skin was so hard it probably hurt me more than it hurt them.

At least Eve was giving them hell. He screamed, kicked, and slapped at them. Too wild of an animal for them to contain.

It wasn't much use though, we were dragged down the dark hallway and into an even darker room where we were pushed to the ground. As soon as the demons hands were off me I pushed myself up and tried to get to the door before they closed it behind me but a force knocked me back to the ground.

Glowing rope like objects circled around my upper body before pulling tight, constricting my movements. I turned back to look at the culprit but was met with another demon guard. By the looks of his glowing eyes and glower, I assumed he was in charge of the others.

At least they couldn't shoot glowing magic at us.

"Be gentle," he warned the other demons that stood still around us. "Humans are fragile and the buyers will be really upset if their goods are damaged."

Buyers? Goods?

I shot a panicked look to the other girls, though both of them like frozen on the ground, looking top at the demon.

I guess all of us heard the same thing.

Hands gripped me and forced me up once more. This time I couldn't find it in me to fight them.

"It's not like they would care anyways," one of the ones by my side muttered.

"Right?" One that held Eve looked back at us. "They'll be too busy in a feeding frenzy that they won't even notice a bruise or two."

Fear clogged my throat.

The demon in charged huffed as we pass them.

"Remember not every demon is here to get a human to feast on," he reminded them. "Some come for companions, or to bare their children. Either way they pay good money..."

His voice trailed off as the incessant thoughts in my mind grew louder.

Run. Fight them. Run back.

No. I turned my head to look back, there were guards following us from behind and with my arms currently bound I wouldn't be able to fight them like I once had.

Eve flung her whole body back. The demons on either side of her scrambled to hold her, not expecting her to react so suddenly.

The guards grasping me loosened their grip just slightly as the ones in front stumbled back.

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