Chapter 6 - Mia

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I was going to get fucked by a demon.

A demon with large horns, clawed hands, and sharp teeth.

Why did the thought of those same clawed hands gripping my thighs cause my cunt to clench like it did?

Still, I ignored what my body was telling me.

I would fuck her, but only because I was sure it was the only way I would live through this. And after, once her guard was down, I would find a way back to earth and—

All the thoughts in my mind came to a complete halt when I came face to face with the... monstrosity the demon called a home.

I had thought the long walk through the creepy woods had been bad... but this?

Maybe if the stone was not cracking, or the windows broken, or the grass wilted, or the dirt blackened... the manor could have looked hospitable.

It was large and towered over us. In a period drama I would say that the same type of house would look regal, but having it plucked from the bright, cherry setting and dropped here to rot for god knows how many years caused it to look... horrific.

"The deadlands, huh?" I asked, looking towards the demon.

Her lips dipped and her brows pulled together. The most expression I had seen her make since she leaned forward and sniffed my chest. Her eyes had returned back to normal. The dark vines that lined here face were gone. And now she looked at me with something akin to annoyance.

"Your aptitude is astounding," she muttered. "It is like it's named. Dead. Everything, everywhere."

I sallowed thickly.

"Can a human survive here?" I asked.

She gave me a quick nod and motioned for me to follow her. This time she didn't try to pull me along.

Maybe it's because she knew I wouldn't be able to survive in these lands without her.

We walked up the hollow sounding steps and she pushed the door open with ease.

"Water, electricity, warmth, food, servants, I have prepared for everything."

Inside was still basked in dark grays and blacks, but it was almost... cozy. The light was dim and the main entrance opened into a foyer where there was a large stair case that led up to other wings int he house. Decorative dark rugs were strewn about along with frame covering the walls. Though none of them had portraits in them.

I caught sight of another demon off to the side.

She was dressed similarly to Aris, though her robe was much less extravagant than hers. It was black and somewhat plain. Her white hair and black horns were in stark contract to each other. Black vines lined her forehead and her nostrils flared. Her eyes slowly started to turn red.

"Leave." Aris's voice caused me to jump.

The demon bowed and turned back towards the right side of the house, disappearing into what I assumed was another living space or even dining area, though I couldn't have been sure because of the lighting.

Aris's gentle hand glided across my back. Only then did I realize how warm it was in the house. Her action only caused heat to fill me even more.

"Will she eat me?" I asked.

"No one here will touch you," she vowed

I nodded shakily. After what happened in the auction house I had no reason to doubt her ability... but somehow living in a demon realm with demons who couldn't seem to control themselves around me, left me feeling less than secure.

Taken to the Deadlands: Tales of the Stolen Demon BridesWhere stories live. Discover now