Chapter 7 - Aris

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Her scent attacked me. Her blood, her sweat, the small of her delicious cunt. Everything swirled around me, goading the frenzy.

I never once imagined that the human would feel this way about me. To actually want me to touch her. Though, I would pay just about anything for her power.

But I would be lying if I wasn't excited about this change of events. Lying if I said I wasn't insanely turned on by the human below me.

Her moans only pushed me forward. I wanted to hear more of them. Wanted to know what she sounded like when she came.

And more importantly, I wanted to hear what my name sounded like falling from those beautiful lips.

It had been so long since I was able to touch a human like this. Since I had wanted to touch a human like this. After her I never thought I would feel like this again. It was confusing me.

I trailed my hand from her throat, down to her chest, then pushed on it hard enough to keep her immobilized.

Stay in control.

It was easy to image me sinking her claws into her chest and tearing her heart out. I let out a growl and forced another finger inside her. Her cunt was already gripping the life out of me. I curled my fingers inside of her and used my thumb to rub her clit.

My darkest desire was to make this last for as long as the human could take it. To see just how much it would take before she fell apart.

But I couldn't let myself get so distracted. Couldn't let myself enjoy this as much as I have been.

I applied more pressure to the sensitive bundle of nerves. The faster she came the faster I would be able to reel myself in.

She arched into my hand. Her perfectly erect nipples were just begging for my mouth.

My mouth watered and before I knew it I was leaning forward to take the dusty brown peak into my mouth. Her pussy clenched around my fingers and I used it as the sign to pick up the paste of my thrusts.

"Fuck, don't stop," she moaned.

When I fit a third finger into her, all her inhibitions about keeping the volume down disappeared. She bucked against my hand. Her moans bounced off the walls.

And for the first time in years, I felt a dull, pulsing heat between my legs.

She cried out as the first wave of her orgasm hit her. Her body tensed and I lost my grip on her chest, causing her to arch into me.

The sweet taste of her blood flooded my mouth, overtaking everything. Every thought of wanting to fuck her was replaced with something else. Something more violent.

My body jerked back before the frenzy could take ahold of my mind.

Stupid. Stupid, horny demon.

I pushed away from her and slapped my hand over my mouth and nose.

If I wasn't careful, even breathing would caused the frenzy to worsen.

I knew that and still I let myself lick the lingering blood from my teeth, unable to conceal the moan of tasting delicious human blood for the first time in forever.

I wanted more. Like an addict I was already itching to take an even bigger bite next time.

I caught sight of her sitting up on the bed with a dazed expression before I turned towards the exit. I didn't make it very far. All rational thought left my mind and instead I was filled with the need to feast.

My legs were the only ones that listened to my wishes. They stayed still, binding me to the ground.

Images of going back to the bed, sinking my teeth into her, all while fucking her until she couldn't even remember her own name flashed through my mind. I would make it good for her, that much I knew.

She wouldn't even know what hit her. She wouldn't scream and cry. No, she would be begging me to keep going.

But after? After she would end up just like her.

"Are you—"

My head snapped to look at her. I hadn't heard her approach but when I turned she was a mere then feet away from me. Still naked and with her arm reaching out toward me.

She has a fucking death wish.


She flinched once the gargled sound of my voice ripped through the quiet of the room.

My eyes narrowed on her bloodied breast. I hadn't realized how deep I had cut her. My mouth watered.

I took a shaky step towards her.

"Sorry," I said after clearing my throat. "Let me help you clean it up. I'll be gentle I promise."

My voice had changed. It was soft, enticing. The frenzy was still there, but instead of openly attacking her, it was trying to coerce her into letting me devour her. It was a stage that I was falling further into it without even realizing.

The frenzy would attack her openly at first. It would try and coax her to us. Make her give herself to me willingly. Only when it was too late would I lose all control to it and it would force me to attack her.

Her arms crossed over her chest and she turned to the side. She was shaking.

"Go calm yourself," she whispered. "I will clean. Please don't come back until you are ready. I don't want to di— We have a deal don't we? It's not of any use to you if I'm... dead."

Her words cleared enough of the haze to force my body to turn around and march straight out of that room.

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