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My heart quickens. My breath quickens. I'm surrounded by blood and death. I grip myself. This is hard to stomach. This makes me want to belch. I grip my stomach. More and more dragons were pooling in. Dragons being controlled like how the hunters do it. Except this if far worse. This is way way worse. It is agonizing to see the Hunters slaughtering dragons. It hurts to see this slaughter. The dragons roar and rain fire down. They aren't thinking straight. 

They're being forced. I look at the ship. There's major radiation. It's their power source. It's what's feeding them as I see them in their ship. It will destroy our world. It will take the energy from our planet. However, if it goes, they all will go and hopefully the dragons will be free. 

This sickens me. I have to destroy that ship because I don't know how much more of this I can take. This is mind boggling. This is terrifying. This is a blood bath. This is war. I have not seen it this bad. I have not seen so much blood or chaos in my life. This is what my dad faces. This is horrible. I can't stomach this.

I have to end this war, because I can't take it anymore. 

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