May 12th, 1968

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Dear Avery,

Oh boy, today has been a whirlwind! I'm so excited to tell you all about it. You won't even believe it!

We met this amazing guy named Xavier Puckett. He's the big boss at Crestwood Orphanage, and our sister looks up to him like crazy. Well, guess what? Today, we got to see why she thinks he's so awesome. Xavier is like a superhero! He sees the best in all of us and makes Crestwood a super special place.

But here's the really, really crazy part. Xavier took us aside and told us the most mind-blowing news. We're gonna go live with a foster family! Can you imagine? We might actually have a real family that loves us and takes care of us. It's like a dream come true! My heart is bursting with happiness. Elgi's not sure, though. She's a little scared, but I know deep down she wants a family too.

Guess what else? Our new foster family lives in the most ginormous house ever! It's like a fancy, fancy castle. Everything is so fancy! The front hall is all grand and beautiful, and the living room is like a movie star's house. And, get this, the kitchen is super fancy too! It's like a chef's dream. I can just imagine all the yummy cookies I'm gonna bake there. Elgi loves the library. It's full of books from the floor to the ceiling. She's gonna have a blast reading there.

But, Avery, something weird is going on. Elgi feels it too. The foster parents, Bennie and Sadie, act all fancy and nice, but there's something strange lurking underneath. And the other kids living here act all mysterious, like they're hiding something. It's exciting and kinda creepy at the same time.

As I'm writing this letter, I can't help but wonder what secrets this fancy mansion holds. What surprises are waiting for us? I think our lives are gonna take a wild turn, like a roller coaster ride. I promise to tell you all about it as things happen.

Sending you lots and lots of love,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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