anonymous asked:
Is it just me or does Liam talk about Louis weeing at EVERY concert?
lourryetc answered:
Welcome to a One Direction concert. You've got a blonde Irishman who jumps 50 feet in the air, smashes it on guitar, delivers an overall solid performance, and takes selfies. You've got a Disney prince who takes the time to mention every single father in the audience while asking people to hug each other, but then switches and becomes some sort of rockstar sex God complete with on-stage strip teases and asking the crowd to moan along with him. You've got the one with the killer falsettos who reads out signs and is a cute and flattered puppy while he does so, never failing to fluff your ego (even if he says the same thing to every crowd). You've got the fluffy-haired hedgehog who waves and blows kisses and monitors the overall vocal performance of the band andalso carefully observes to ensure that his baby is doing alright and maybe checking him out a time or two and smiling like he won the lottery of life. Not to mention - you'll get lots of banter, lots of selfies, lots of fonding, lots of serenading, but it won't be a complete experience unless one band member asks another band member to narrate going to the bathroom to a stadium full of people.
Fav text posts from Tumblr! [part 2]
DiversosI decided to make a part 2 aye! :) Enjoy .xx