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The next morning was a blur of stolen glances, observing Josh as we all moved about our day. After lunch, I collected my water bottle and was changing into my hiking shoes when he strolled in wearing a white t-shirt, and turmeric shorts. He embodied the essence of an avid hiker, with a buff around his neck, and a short-billed hat that sent his curls in all directions.

He bent over, resting his hands on his knees, and began to wheeze.

"Are you okay," I asked as he fanatically waived off my concern.

"I'm fine," he wheezed again, "I'm fine... It's just I've come such a long way; perhaps you could spare some water."

"You fool," I giggled.

He shot up and smiled "Ready?"


As we approached the trailhead where Ronnie, Jake, and Sam were waiting, I couldn't help but wonder how one family could be so effortlessly cool.

Ronnie could have easily been ready for a music festival with her cropped band tee, and high-waisted leggings.

Jake was fidgeting with several necklaces that accentuated the stretched-out neckline of his mutilated shirt.

Sam looked even more androgynous with his hair pulled back in double French braids, and hands on his hips as he impatiently shifted his weight. "It's about time," he huffed. You could pick out his Michigan accent more than the others.

"I'm chronically late," Josh admitted. "Honestly we all are."

"Josh had an asthma attack back at camp," I joked.

Ronnie slapped Josh's arm "Oh did he pull that shit on you? He did that to me one time in high school in front of the entire lunchroom! It was mortifying."

Josh smirked at the retelling. "Are we gonna do this damn thing or what," he deflected; shooing them towards the trail.

"You heard the man," Jake rallied the siblings, "let's get a move on."

Taking the lead, Sam began to narrate the flora and fauna, as Josh and I lingered behind.

"So... Josh, whose chronically late, where are y'all from?" I asked.


"I gathered that; where in Michigan exactly?"


"Frankenmuth? That sounds made up."

"Nope; It's a real place."

"MmHmmm," I baited biting my lower lip.

"Really! It's this quaint little Bavarian town about an hour or so northwest of Detroit." Watching him illustrate its location with his hands while attempting to stay beside me on the trail was comical. "You should come on down sometime."

"And what is there to do in Frankenmuth?"

"Besides see me? Oh, loads. It's practically Christmas there 365 days out of the year; assuming you like Christmas. So there's that and Uh.... me. Did I say that already?"

"You did."

"What about you? Where do you hail from?"

"Franklin, Kentucky. It's one of those typical little southern towns where the town square wraps around the courthouse."

"Ah. Sounds very picturesque; very Norman Rockwell, so to speak."

"It is," I replied. "I've always liked small-town living with access to big cities like Nashville. So do you and your family come here every year" I asked.

"We do, did, well I mean we try. But growing up I honestly can't recall a summer that wasn't spent here."

"Well, I can see why you all like it so much. It's beautiful."

I could sense him looking at me as he nodded in agreement, "What's your full name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," I teased. "It's Austen Rae Davis. You?"

"Joshua Michael Kiszka."

"That's a unique last name; Kish-kuh," I repeated, emphasizing the phonetics. "So Joshua, you and Jake are twins?"

"Identical. We're about five minutes apart. I am the older one."

"And he'll never let me forget that," Jake interjected. "Surprisingly people think Sam and I are twins. I think it's the long hair."

"I think it's the devilish good looks," Sam corrected.

Josh pulled at his hair, "Honestly I think my curls throw people off."

"I like the curls," I remarked, reaching out to touch an isolated ringlet. I felt a surge of surprise pass through him, causing him to catch his breath. As my hand withdrew, he caught my elbow as it returned to my side, his touch lingering for a fleeting moment.

"Do you have any siblings," he asked.

"No. Momma and Daddy tried but I was the only one to make it Earthside. I wish I did though. Seems pretty great always having someone to do things with."

"It has its moments for sure."

"I heard that," Ronnie shouted.

Josh chuckled, "But I like 'em. Well, you can have Ronnie if you want."

"Sounds good to me. What do think Austen," Ronnie questioned, "want a sister?"

"Only if it's you," I replied earnestly.

"See I knew I liked you," she affirmed.

Jake shot Josh a telling smile, "She's not the only one."

My immediate attempt to conceal my delight with a drink from my water bottle failed miserably as liquid dribbled down my chin.

"I thought this was going to be a hike," Josh politely redirected, "this is more of a jaunt."

"Forgive me for thinking your hobbit legs would prefer a light frolic through the shire," Sam teased, "as opposed to trudging the perilous terrain of Mount Doom."

"Sam's Elven stature is an anomaly," Josh confessed.

Sam whirled around, planting his feet firmly on the trail, "You shall not pass," he proclaimed. The theatrical display triggered a round of laughter as a sudden look of despair flooded his face, "Fly you fools!" Sam took off running and had made it a few feet ahead, before falling victim to an exposed root. "Help me," he pleaded. "No, but in all seriousness I think I hurt my ankle".

Jake sighed, "Come, Mr. Frodo. I'll carry you." Once on his back, Sam began to kick him like a horse jockey; ordering him to run. Poor Jake tried his best to entertain his brother's demand but truth be told Sam was indeed much taller than the others; his feet barely cleared the ground.

"It's a good thing this was a short trail after all you buffoon," Jake admitted, "I don't think I could carry you much farther."

"You said short" Sam highlighted.

Jake came to a halt, "You could walk you know."

Weighing his options he quickly conceded, "Fair enough."

It did seem unfair to snicker at their expense, but it had been rather amusing.

Josh paused, his attention drawn to a buttercup blooming from the ground. Plucking it delicately, he extended the flower to me, his eyes filled with genuine interest, "So what would you have preferred?"

Twirling it between my fingertips, I examined its simple beauty, "To quote Aragorn 'I would have gone with you to the end."

"Into the very fires," he beamed. "Can I see you again tomorrow? We're taking the boat out around 1 o'clock; say you'll come."

"I have to go into town with my folks, but I think I can arrange to be back by then. I'll meet you there."

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