Chapter 8
|The next Day! |
Pryce, grabs his things and leaves Sevyn apartment. He also, leaves her a note. When he arrives at his place, he quickly washes his clothes and takes a shower!
Back at, her apartment..
I woke up, grabbed my robe and checked to see if Pryce was in the guess room. Then, I notice a note he left.
Pryce note
: GoodMorning, beautiful! I'm about to head on over to my place. I'll call you later on baby!I just let out a chuckle, then smiled. I went into my bathroom, took a shower and put on a new fit.
Sevyn "morning" OOTD
: Her hair is in a messy bun, costume made "Beyonce 7/11 Shirt", blue jeans & black sandalsThen, I called Rih and Pryce.
(- Guest character-)
Rih- Wassuh
Sevyn- We need to talk so, meet me at this restaurant called, La France
Rih- I'm on my way!
Pryce- Wassup!
7ev- Meet me at this restaurant called,
La FrancePryce- Ight!
25 minutes, later
.Sevyn, pulls up at the restaurant and notice Rih and Pryce kissing.. She walks up to the table and takes a seat. Pryce & Rih stops kissing!
"Hello." Rih said. "Yeah, hi." Pryce waves. "Why, everyone want to be all up on Pryce d... or is he not loyal" Sevyn thinks to herself. "Hi, I'm your waitress, for today! Can, I take your orders whenever y'all ready?" The waitress said with a smile at the end.
"I would like to have steak (rare), mash potatoes, cheesy broccoli + a dinner roll." Pryce said, putting the menu down. "I have the same thing, also." Rih smiled.
"I'll have like to have macaroni- n- cheese, hamburger with gravy, mash potatoes and I would that to go!" Sevyn said, aggravated.
"Okay." She said, as she repeats their orders. "What would you all like to drink?"
"Water with a lemon" Pryce said. "Pepsi." Rih said. "I'm good." Sevyn said
40 minutes later..
Sevyn POV
I grabbed my food and left a nice tip on my behalf.
"Aye, where you going?" Pryce asked me. "HOME!" I said, with a little yell. "The hell! Why?" Rih asked.
I just walk away, got in my car and drove off.
Pryce & Rih talk, eats their food, pays the bill, leaves a tip and both leave.
Pryce, drives to Sevyn apartment. When, he arrives he runs up to her apartment & knocks on the door..
"What you want?" Sevyn said, opening the door with a butcher knife.
"What's wrong, with you?" Pryce asked, stepping inside.
"I'm tried of catching feelings for someone!" Sevyn yells.
"Baby, what ya mean?" Pryce said, licking his lips
Sevyn, Closes the door behind him & grabs his neck
"Oh, shit!" Pryce said.
"I don't want to do this but.."
To be Continued!

The Way
أدب الهواةThis 17 year-old girl named, Sevyn moves to L.A to better herself & find a career in something she loves.. But, when she wants love its kinda hard to get it from the right person. After, her past incident¿ & She finds herself in a love triangle. But...