Here Goes Nothing

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We start where we left off. Omni-Man lay on the floor, unconscious, beside his fallen comrades. Banging is heard from the background, as the door explodes. An invisible man enters, as he saw what appeared to be a bloody battle. He had never seen something so horrifying. He then turns to the body of the dead Martian. As he turns visible, he revealed himself to be a horrified, saddened Martian Manhunter. He then heads to the body of Mr. M and holds onto his cousin, crying his eyes out. Other members of the League such as Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Canary, and Superman all arrive inside and were shocked by what they witnessed. They each head to the bodies of their own fallen partners and friends. Flash grieved Rush, Wonder Woman grieved her sister, Aquaman grieved his old fish comrade, and Superman grieved for his "immortal" friend. His eyes then widen, as he hears one heart beat. He then turns to Omni-Man, who appears to still be alive.

Superman: Omni-Man is still alive! Let's get him to a hospital.

Batman tried to keep his cold, empty expression, hiding how truly horrified and saddened he was by this display. Unfortunately, that fails, when he sees his partner, Darkwing's head completely demolished with blood on the floor. He then appraoches him, before kneeling to the ground. He tries to hold himself from crying, as Green Arrow approaches Batman, putting his hand on the Dark Knight's shoulder.

Green Arrow: I'm sorry-

Batman: (slams his fist to the ground) GODDAMMIT!!!



Debbie wakes up, with a gasp, before turning to the side of her bed, where her husband is missing, as she frowns. She then gets out of bed and takes a shower and changes into her casual clothes, before eating breakfast. She then puts on a coat and  is about to head to work, before her son came down.

Trevor: Hey, mom. What's wrong?

Debbie: Oh, nothing. Just missing your dad. He didn't make it home last night.

Trevor: Mom, stop worrying. He probably got buried under a mountain or something.

Debbie: (smiles) Well, it certainly wouldn't be his first time.

Debbie opens the door, as she heads outside, but is surprised to see Oliver Queen at the door, with a sad look.

Debbie: Arrow. What are you doing here?

Oliver Queen: ...You and your son may want to come with me.


Unknown Location

Computer: Recognized, Green Arrow, 08.

Oliver Queen then teleports into the headquarters of the League, using a Zeta-Tube. He then presses some button's on the console.

Oliver: Override. Green Arrow, 08.

Computer: Recognized, Debbie Grayson, A-08. Trevor Grayson, A-09.

Debbie and Trevor walked through the Zeta Beam, with Trevor holding his mother's shoulder in comfort.

Trevor: Whoa! Is this the league's HQ?

Oliver: No, this is more of a private base for medical treatment.

Trevor: Is my dad gonna be okay.

Oliver: Absolutely. The Justice League has access to medical technology far beyond any normal hospital.

Trevor: Are we even...allowed to see this.

Oliver: (enthusiastically) Oh, absolutely not! Bats is so gonna kill me for this.

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