Do i really know the real you

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Did you every think What would living another person live would be or how people see you.

Well it all started out in the beginning of high school I just moved to a new school and a new house I did not know anybody. I was very board because I was the was only kid in my family so far. You never know with my mom. That may sound bad but it's really not. When I went to school i met couple of people April, Cassie, Lilly. They were my only freinds for a long time i was very shy. That was very odd for me because I was very outgoing outside of school but I guess by the time lunch came I sat by myself. Will it seemed like every on had someone to sit by I just sat I the corner of the table In tell Cassie came over not that big of a difference it was only one person after all. Cassie popular freinds came over I did not say one word. Lilly thought I had something wrong with me we talked in the phone that night. April asked Cassie for my number and to be nice April gave it to her sooo then Cassie called me when I was talking to April. I would have Lilly number but she has minutes on her phone But she had a home phone but her brother is a little creep and sat by the phone when someone is on it . When you tell him to go away he yells no and hits and kicks you. She says that is a night mare. She hates him.

Well i better get some sleep i had a terrible day. I hope my day well be better tomorrow.

When i went to school, April and Cassie came up to me. I did not know what her name was intell Cassie came up to me with her. For some thing people at the other table called her over there. Well after 2-3 min's we sat there very weirdly she didn't know my name i didn't know hers so that was weird. Cassie came over very weirdly she started skipping...... I pretended that i didn't know her and started moving down the table. I didn't know what to do. Well the day went on farther. I went home that night i was thinking to go to Aprils but i didn't. When i got home i put my bag down and ran upstairs to my room and well i forgot that it was a Tuesday and my dad had work all day. So i ran back down stairs let my dogs out side and made food that's what i do on a Tuesday. I when in my laptop and i Skyped with Cassie. And she was the more emo type she didn't look the same she had all her makeup off and her hair was up a wondered what was up with her. Of course she did not tell me she keeps every thing inside and wont tell anybody.

should i continue

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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