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12/24/2022Atlanta📍lakelynn pov

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lakelynn pov

"I'm thinking we bake cookies and watch more movies whatchu think" I ask Tamira.

We were currently watching Christmas movies since it was Christmas Eve just trying to let Tamira experience a nice childhood.

Her mom didn't want her for Christmas since she was going somewhere with her boyfriend, kahlil was pissed that she would leave her daughter for a man but loved that he got to spend more time with his daughter.

"I like the sound of that" Tamira said smiling at me showcasing her dimples. For her age she was smart and her grammar was top tier I loved that about her.

I grab her hand and make are way into the kitchen to bake cookies. "I say we do gingerbread houses and gingerbread cookies" I said turning on some Christmas music.

She nods her head pulling out her stool to stand over the counter. While we're getting the ingredients out kahlil comes through the front door shaking the snow off his clothes.

"Daddy!!" Tamira said jumping into his arms making me smile. "Hi baby girl" kahlil replied matching her energy while kissing her cheek.

He comes over to me pecking my lips before licking his lips tasting the strawberry flavored lipgloss on my lips. "Hey ma what y'all making?" He asked putting Tamira on the counter.

"COOKIES!!" Tamira screamed out making me laugh. "So y'all just forgot about me huh" he said pointing out me and her pajamas.

"Boy stop it's one for you in the room, Tamira let's make cookies for Santa too" i said mixing the ingredients up.

"Yes and I've been really good this year right daddy?" She asked looking at kahlil making him smile back at her.

"Yes you have" he said tickling her stomach making her lay back on the counter. "Aight im bout to go change into my pajamas I'll be back" he spoke before walking into the room.

"I wonder what Santa will give me I want a big Barbie dream house and the dolls.. ouu and I want a bicycle, karaoke machine, AND!!" She talked all fast making her forget what she was saying.

"Slow down baby" I say chuckling at her facial expression. "okay and I want slime and a car to hit my daddy with" she replied slowly not knowing kahlil was behind her.

"Tamira look behind you" I said making her look back. When she did it look like she saw a ghost, "oh so you wanna run me over?" He said picking her up by her legs.

He ran around the living room making her laugh uncontrollably. "Ok ok daddy I'm sorry stop it" she said lightly while still laughing.

"Say sorry and that you will never run me over" he replied dropping her on the couch tickling her. "I'm sorry I will never run you over" she said laughing making him stop.

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