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"im tryna give you my love, like why are you wasting my time?"

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"im tryna give you my love, like why are you wasting my time?"

feb 4, 2023

Atlanta, GA

"AND HE TOLD me to shut my fat ass up and that it was good for her" lakelynn recited the line from the infamous 'Precious' to Kah'lil.

He sucked his lip in while twisting around in his sleep, "and what did you do?" He replied going along with her act.

She fake cried while sniffing, "I shut my fat ass up" she smiled right after before pausing the movie. She grabbed his face kissing all around it while he groaned.

"You steady acting like you hate my kisses, it's alright.. my other nigga sure loves it" he jumped up while moving her away from him.

She giggled while standing up pulling her joggers up, she continued to laugh while he looked at her "you steady playing with me, ima kill you".

"Mr. Davis did you just threaten me, oh my lord help me" she gasped while throwing herself on the hard floor.

She yelped in pain forgetting they were at his house and not her old home where they had carpet, "that what yo ass get" he stood up and kicked her softly on the side.

"Get the fuck up, come to the store with me" he added before walking out keys in his hand, she huffed before getting up walking behind him.

She put her crocs on by the door before walking out with him following behind, "when are you planning to go get mara?" She questioned.

He left Tamara at his mother's house for the weekend since that's where she wanted to be, "today she called me this morning plus she got school" he replied.

"Oh yeah I forgot, what store we going to?" She asked getting into the car.

"Publix right down the street"

"Oh are we grocery shopping or just picking up snacks?" She sense he was being dry towards her and she attempted to create a conversation.

He shrugged his shoulder stopping at the red light. She huffed before turning on the radio.

She grabbed his phone trying the connect to the aux but he snatched it while laughing, she look at him weirdly before he gave it back.

"Fuck you did all that for?" She questioned while throwing his phone back into his lap not caring to use it.

"It's a reflex ma chill" he replied throwing his phone back into her lap. She rolled her eyes not wanting to use it anymore.

"don't be on that weird shit"

"HI MARMAR I missed you girl" Tamara giggled while hugging lake-Lynn. Lynn passed the snacks she got for Tamara back towards her to snack on.

Kah'lil went into the room not saying a word leaving the girls in the living room, "are you hungry?" She asked walking into the kitchen.

Tamara ran after her shaking her head, "lele can we watch a movie tonight?" Mara spoke while standing on her stool.

Lakelynn turned around with a smile on her face, "of course, go ask your dad to set up the living room so we can watch the movie".

Tamara ran away going into her father's room, once she walked in she seen he was on the phone with somebody.

"Holdup, yes princess what happen?" He took the phone off his ear watching his daughter jump into the bed.

"lele asked can you set the living room up so we can watch a movie"

"yeah I'll do it can you give me five minutes?"

Tamara shook her before laying it into her father's lap. He massaged her scalp while she yawn feeling herself getting tired.

"Ima call you back I needa go handle something, alright safety" he spoke before hanging up on whoever was on the phone.

He got up out the bed picking up tamara before walking out with her in his hand's.

Once he made it to the living room, he dropped her on the floor and she ran back into the kitchen with Lake-Lynn while he set up the living room.

"Mac and cheese is my favorite how'd you know?" Tamara asked, lakelynn laughed at her before shaking her head.

"Tamara I make it for you almost everyday baby" she replied while tamara smiled.

"Oh I forgot, but I bet you can't guess my new favorite" she replied, while putting her hands on her hips.

Lakelynn thought for a minute before tapping her chin, "mac n cheese with bacon bits" she outed her secret making Tamara gasp.

"Daddy did you tell lakelynn my secret!" She yelled while Kah'lil came into the kitchen laughing, "baby she already knew I didn't snitch".

"Tamara I can see the future, did you know that I already knew you liked that before you liked it?" Lynn said making her smile.

Tamara gasped while looking at her dad, "that's so cool why didn't you tell me.

Kah'lil threw his hands up in defense before running away. Mara followed after him giggling, "daddy wait you're running to fast".

They played around which each other until lakelynn finish up the food.

She walked into the living room with three full  bowls of mac & cheese, and put it down on the table.

Kah'lil already had the movie ready, the blankets, and everything else that they needed.

Of course Tamara wanted to watch princesses and the frog once again it was her favorite movie. She wouldn't trade it over anything.

"Tamara princess, do you ever get tired of watching this movie? I'm tired of looking at it" Kah'lil sucked his teeth at his daughter while she shook her head.

Lakelynn laughed in the corner while he side eyed her, "oh kah'lil shut up I like watching it, it's my favorite Disney movie too".

"this is why you're my favorite"


This just a filler nothing to much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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