chapter one

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                When li lianhua opened his eyes, he was in some kind of hut. He frowned and didn't understand why he was still alive. He was sure that he will die. He tried to circulate his internal energy and was shocked to find that there is no Bisha poison in his body anymore. And what's even weird is that his internal energy is like when he was in his peak. He is not understanding any of that. 

             " It looks like you are awake, li Xiangyi " someone spoke. Li lianhua was startled. That someone is Di Fei sheng. " What happened......" Li lianhua was so confused that he recovered from his initial shock quite fast. " You are cured from the Bisha poison, now we can have our dual without any outside noises " Di Fei sheng said or more like declared. " Can you please give me a break; I'm trying to think what had happened ". Li lianhua  said rubbing his temples and observing his surroundings. Li lianhua is not getting anything how is he cured? did something happened? di Fei sheng is here but why don't I see fang xiaobao?  " A-fei, where is xiaobao?" Li lianhua asked in confusion. " So, you really don't remember anything huh..." Di feisheng said to himself. This further confused Li lianhua . He could only mutter a " what...". " Li xiangyi , Fang duobing saved your life but even i don't know what kind of method he used ".

            Li lianhua couldn't speak because he was shell-shocked to even say a word. Di feisheng continued," Fang doubing knew that you didn't cure your poison when you visited your master's wife. He and I found you on a boat in the middle of the sea and we thought that you will really die. But Fang duobing asked me a favour which even surprised me that he can heal you completely, but he will retire from the martial arts world completely. Li xiangyi, you really stuck gold in finding such loyal disciple ". Li lianhua didn't know what to say or do. Because Fang duobing did what?! 

           " How many days have been since I lost conscious?" 

           " If you are counting this day then it's been 4 months".

           " What are you doing these 4 months?"

           " Looking after you"

           " Where is Fang duobing ?"

           " I don't know..."

           " What do you mean you don't know?" Li lianhua sounded slightly annoyed. 

           " After he healed you, he made me promise him that i should not search for him" Di feisheng replied.

           " And he left you a letter. I think you should read it". Di feisheng replied giving him a letter and leaving the hut. Li lianhua looked at the letter, torn between opening it or not. But he did open the letter curious of what his xiaoboa has left him. 

           Li lianhua

                                 you know, when i was young i was a cripple. i can't hold a sword, i can't run, i can't walk, i have to depend on others for even simple things. Maybe that's why my biological father left me. But my only motivation is Li xiangyi. He was a hero to me. He was the only reason i started my journey in the martial arts world. After Li xiangyi died my reason became to protect innocent and weak people just like him. Then when i met you, you also became my reason. A friend i really didn't have when i was young. Maybe that's why i can't even get angry when you lied. But Li lianhua don't you know that it hurts everytime you lie to me. I always think that i'm not trusted enough to share your secrets. I should have known that. But what can you say i'm selfish. I healed you because i can and you don't deserve to die. I have retired from the martial arts world, and you don't need to worry about it. I'm fine and for your information i won't die. Don't search for me. I doubt you will when you know that i'm a cut-sleeve. And yes, i look at you the same way a wife looks her husband. You really don't want anything to do with a waste. I have always loved you Li lianhua but i'm too scared that you will hate me and don't want me anywhere near you. But it looks like you will always run away from me whether i'm a cut-sleeve or not. Li lianhua, don't be afraid of living. Because life is full of surprises, and you will find someone you want to spend your life with. And don't show kindness to someone that likes you, but you can't return their feelings. Because that kind of hypocrisy is poison. Li lianhua, don't show yourself in front of me because i don't think i can live another day if i saw your face.

                                                                                                                       Fang DouBing 

         Li lianhua felt like dying. Fang duobing likes him like a lover. His xiaobao likes him. But he doesn't know where he can find his xiaobao. He slowly walked outside the hut and saw Di feisheng outside looking into the forest surrounding them. He walked upto him and stood next to him. 

      " Did you finish reading the letter?"

      " Yes, i will search for xiaobao."

      " You really are stubborn, aren't you?"

      " When have i listened to anyone."

      " He doesn't want you to show up in front of him, Li xiangyi."

     " I've also said the same thing to him, but he did not listen. so, why should i ?"

     " Li xiangyi, i can't help you find him because i promised him. But i do want to know, do you like your disciple the way he does?"

     " OHH! You don't know how much i control myself just not to tie him because of the trouble he causes. And yes, i do in the same way he does. Thanks for even replying to me for my questions."

     " You have become weird, Li xiangyi"

     " Hey! i'm always like that. You just don't know. Even xiaobao doesn't."

      " If you need any help, i will do what i can. And your lotus tower is near just go south from here. Your pet is in the Fang mansion." Di feisheng said while leaving.

     " Thanks " Li lianhua muttered but in his mind all he could think is where he can find his xiaobao. Xiaobao don't even think about going away from me now.


Lotus to cure Sickness [ li lianhua x fang doubing ]Where stories live. Discover now