{Aaron x Ein}!Fluff! = Hard to Get-P1

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It was Ein's first Day of school after he just transferred to another school due to him and aaron's conflict at phoenix high, unfortunately recently phoenix high had a fire incident and the students had to transfer school, since Ein's school was near phoenix, aaron and the others transferred at ein's school, then ein and aaron was in the same room, also Zane at Garoth, Ein and Aaron was seated next to eachother,

2 months later

ein didn't hate him or is mad at him he never was, infact he wanted to start anew and become friends with aaron, he always tries to make a conversation with aaron, but ends up recieving the silent treatment, always grumbling or murmuring or huffs in response, but ein never gave up he kept doing the usual "Goodmorning!", "What's your lunch", "here's a spare", "here's a spare Pen", "ByeBye!" routine

Sometimes when the teacher makes them to a partner project or work, ein will always be happy to be partners with Aaron even of they have no choice, and aaron would always huff or groan,

Ein also have this pleasant scent to Werewolves, no one knows why not even him or teacher's, it even affects Meifwa's nose, but they didn't mind it and concider it normal for ein, like maybe its his clothes smell

ein would always follow aaron around like a dog teasing him with the usual "come on lets go to the cafeteria and get our recess" or "cmonn talk to meee", but always receives the usual grumble or scoff or even just a look at ein's eyes then proceeds to look forward and walk again, ein doesn't exactly know why he's doing all this for aaron but he enjoys aaron company and huffs most of the time

sometimes ein still have his time with his friends, there are also times where ein is alone either in the lockers or bathroom or an empty hallway and gets picked up by high ranked wherewolves or even an Aplha sometimes, saying the usual stuff "so what does our poor Omega have to give us today", ein couldn't do anything about it and let's them do their work, it was normal for omega's like him, what does an omega have to fight back anyways, hence they cant even fight back, so he ends up giving his snack or even a few dollars to those werewolves

Although aaron knows this, so everytime ein come's in the room after a bullying session, aaron would always leaves a spare snack or a bandage/bandaid at ein's side of the desk, even tho he despise him he still feels bad for the poor omega, aanddd he feels like he'll somehow miss the omega always bugging him and following him if ein left because of the bullying, ein would always smile and look at aaron as a thanks gesture after taking the bandage and snack, but aaron wouldnt look back, Ein always thought that Aaron is a Hard to Get type

Present Day

Aaron POV

I arrived at school early as usual and sat at my desk, i played Cal of Duty Mobile with Garoth while waiting for ein, i dont usually entertain him when he talks to me, but i do enjoy his company and i find the omega adorable how he tries to get my attention despite my history with him

The teacher came in and ein still wasn't here, i wonder why, eh why do i care if he's not here, the teacher placed down his books and laptop at his desk and started to write something on the board,

a few minutes later, ein came in with a sorry for being late and sat beside me, "Hi" he said, i gave the usual huff, "shoot" i heard him whisper, i raised a brow curious but not looking at him, then he turned to the students behind us and he whispered "hey do you guys have a spare pen?", "Ah sorry we dont" they answered, "oh its alright hehe" he replied back in a whisper, he looked forward again, poor him i somehow felt bad, so i reached to my bag and grabbed a Pen and placed it on his side of the desk, he giggled softly "thanks", i didn't reply and got back to my notes

It was time for recess and we put our stuff back in our bags, i waited for ein the ask me to go to the cafeteria, usually he ask me to go with him, i don't reply but that's where i stand up and head to the cafeteria first with him following me that means i agree to go with him and i know he probably knows that by now,

But instead someone called Ein, i looked at the direction of the voice and saw Kai the Meifwa leaning at the door frame, kai is alright, one of the Stars in school Due to his Handsome Look and fine Body and also a High achiever, "Oh Kai!" Ein replied back, "come on lets go get food" kai said, ofcourse Ein agreed and went to kai and followed him, damn it i said in my head, it sparked a little annoyance in me knowing kai stole my Companion, wait why am i annoyed? I dont care about Ein


I got ein to go get recess with me, fun fact, i like like Ein, a man of Focus, when he wants something he'll be hard as stone just to get it, but most him is Cute, Adorable, Fragile, very kind, and Vulnerable, i like all that about him, i feel very bad that most of the werewolves and a few meifwa's pick on him for being the omega that he is, so most of the time i do my best the acompany him in the hallway or anytime,

I noticed he's following me from behind so i looked back and pulled him beside me "come on, you walk so slow" i said with a chuckles, he Giggled Softly, oh how cute,

We are now picking food and he's taking he's sweet time while i already picked mine, i giggled and placed my 1 arm on his waist and pulled him close "you should try that it delicious" i spoke "oh! Ok!"he replied



3rd POV

Kai started moving his hand up and down on Ein's waist rubbing it lightly, Ein blushed more and his tail wagged, "L-Lets go to the table!" Ein spoke as he escaped from Kai's arm, Kai Giggled knowing Ein was blushing really hard right now

Little did they know, aaron was just on some random table watching the two, he didn't know why but he definitely didnt like what Kai is doing to his Companion

Part 1

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