{Aaron x Ein}!Fluff! = Hard to Get-P2

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Me and Kai just finished eating, he's so kind and he even helped me finish my food! Recess time was done and we're on our way to our room, "Hey Ein i have to go to the bathroom, you go on ahead, see you~" kai said with an ending wink, i giggled softly and said "sure, see you!"

3rd POV

Ein started to walk, and aaron closed his locker and walked beside ein, Ein was surprised and stuttered as he spoke "o-oh! Aaron!", Aaron groaned in response, they now walked side by side on the way to their room, it was awkward and quite, and ein wasn't used to walking beside aaron, usually he follows aaron from behind,

Then suddenly 2 of Ein's bullies came across them, "Hey our Omega! What d-" before they can finished their sentence aaron placed his arm around Ein's shoulder and continued walking so the werewolves wont make ein stop for another bullying session

"I- uh um" ein stuttered as he looked down on the floor as he walked with aarons arm around him, clearly this was all new and unexpected, they stayed like this until they got to the classroom, when they were at the door, aaron took off his hands from eins shoulder and walked inside towards his seat, ofcourse with ein behind him, both of them are now sat at their chair, Aaron then had the urge to feel Ein, so he instinctively placed his hand on Ein's Thighs, Ein ofcourse was shocked and stiffed, tail stiffed and ears perked up and not visibly blushing

Aaron then wanted to do something bold at the moment, and he thought, ever since the 1st week of school ein has been trying to get his attention, so today will be the day he'll give it, why is he doing this? He doesn't know, but he wants Ein Right now,

The teacher still wasnt here so he got up and pulled ein by the Hand and walked out the room "a-aaron?" Ein spoke stuttering, what the hell is going on he thought to his self, today aaron placed his arm around his shoulders, now aaron held his hand and pulled him to God know where, next thing he knew they're now outside and aaron is still pulling "aaronn we're outsideee!!" Ein spoke in a low yell way, "aaron where are you taking me"

Aaron pulled Ein until they were behind the bleachers, aaron let go of ein's hand and leaned on the wall, ein stood there waiting for aarons answer or for him to talk

"Aaron we should really be going back to class" ein spoke as he was gonna walk away, but when he took only 1 step back, Ein heard something he never thought he'll hear


Ein stood there and looked at aaron in shock but also processing whats happening and also confused on what aaron wants right now, and the fact aaron just spoke his first words to ein left ein speechless, and also he instinctively followed Aaron's order to just Stay

"You know"

Aaron spoke, which immediate caught Ein's attention

"I like it when you keep me company, when you talk to me even if i don't answer or respond, and i also find it cute how you try to get my attention like a dog, and how you follow me around like a dog" aaron spoke

Ein listened thoroughly, and what aaron said made Ein happy, Making his Tail wag

"So, don't stop doing all those, and the Kai guy you'll hang out with him less starting now" aaron said, "b-but" ein tried to speak but got cut off "no buts!" Ein went silent again and stayed and kept listening

"You want my attention and want me to talk to you right? And you want to make up to me for what you did in Phoenix drop high, Thats what you've been doing, so im giving it to you" aaron spoke and paused to walk towards ein and stopped with a decent space between them, the. Aaron grabbed Ein's collar and pulled him, Ein then looked up to aaron since Aaron is taller only by 2 inch "under one condition, stay away from Kai, and your mine, meaning you'll always keep me company" aaron lets go of Ein's collar "got it?" Aaron asked, and ein Nodded, "good, now come on omega, we're skipping school" aaron spoke pulling ein again

Ein isn't scared, infact hes happy that Aaron sounds likes he likes ein now, and he's also happy by the fact that aaron finally spoke to him and got his attention

"Y-your Voice sounds nice" ein said with a Soft Giggle, he's gotta admit, aaron's vocie is attractive, Attractive?...

"Thanks" aaron replied

Part 2

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