Volume 1. Chapter 3

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Belfast has seen this scene countless times before. The twitching brows, the sharp glare along with the grating of her teeth as she grumbles on and on about the recent events. Suddenly, the blonde stopped her anger-filled miniature tantrum and turned to the maid. "How many times have I called for him?" She asks, the irritation oozing from her words.

"The fourth time, your majesty. And again, ignored," the maid replied.

A low grumble escapes the blonde as her fist tightens until it hurts. But Belfast remained silent, better to let her blow this one off than intervene.

Suddenly, Elizabeth went silent before brightening as she came to an idea, her face morphing to a bright but sneaky smirk. "Belfast!" She calls to the slightly surprised cruiser who stood upright upon hearing her name being called.

Elizabeth quickly moved to her feet before dashing for the door, all while giving the cruiser her last command for the day. "Take care of the papers for me!" Her voice echoes from the halls.

Belfast stood stunned for a second before regaining control over her mind and turns to the open door. "Yes, Your Majesty," she replies, knowing the blonde might not hear it.

In front of the commander's office.*
1838 hours*

The big difference between her personal bedroom office and the dedicated commander's office is Elizabeth's bedroom office is more for her own personal comfort, while the Commander's office, while stylish and well-dressed, is strictly for duties only, so the person assigned to the room cannot change anything. Which is why she transferred to her own room. Elizabeth stood in front of the office she herself once used, it's furnished mahogany wood, textured in a way that represents the Royal Navy's Culture and Pride.

With a big gulp of air, she slowly reaches for the door handle and proceeds to open the double doors. As expected, no sound emerges from the action, the well-maintained hinges of the doors really got her to question if the budget for the room has a higher budget than the entire base itself.

"Acting Commanding Officer Redwood Winchester," she spoke, calling for the said man. A click replies to her words.

"Ah...! Sorry, I didn't hear you knocking, you may come in." A light voice spoke from deep within the room.

There, Elizabeth almost stopped as her heart rate sped up, the thumping beginning to grow louder as her hand shakes with adrenaline rushing through her entire body like she was on drugs.

Until a voice interrupted her thoughts. With a quick and solid swing of the door, the furniture completely opened Elizabeth to the old, yet still looking new Room of the Commanding officer.

"Ah...! Y-your majesty! Welcome!" Surprised by her sudden appearance, Redwood tried to restructure himself as to not accidentally offend the blonde maiden.

"Acting Commander...!" Elizabeth responds, already losing her words to the sudden pressure of the Acting Commander's adorable young face.

Redwood, still stunned, steps back a couple of steps, giving the blonde space to step into the room that was once hers. His face shows pure fright as his hands shake with sweat pouring from within his long sleeve.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was no better. Her composure may not have shattered, but she had become a bundle of sweat and stammers. Her hands felt as if they were coated in glue, rendering them immovable. Her legs experienced the same rigidity, and her mouth struggled to form even a single word.

Redwood was the first to break from his shock and immediately kneels as he queries about the her majesty's sudden presence, breaking Elizabeth out from her own world.

Bringing her arm back to its rightful place beside her, Elizabeth raises her other hand to her mouth and fakes a cough before recomposing herself as her mind struggles to make a sentence under this pressure.

Finally forming a starting sentence, she immediately spoke her excuse without a second thought. "I...! I was checking in to see if you have kept the office maintained!" She stammers, accidentally raising her voice, causing Redwood to flinch in fear.

"I... Well..." Redwood took a brief look around the room before continuing. "As you can see, your grace, I am keeping this room in tip-top shape!"

But Elizabeth only stared at the man. Like in a trance, unconsciously reaching out for his face. Redwood on the other hand stayed silent, confused by her action and fears the consequences if he calls her out.

"I..." Elizabeth whispers, her hand inches away from the face that she fell for. "I..." Redwood stares back in silence. Seeing the pseudo leader of the Royal Navy in a state like this is quite unusual for her reputation for being short-tempered.

"I am now your Commanding Officer! YOU SHALL FOLLOW MY ORDERS!"

"I- WHA- WHAT?!"

Redwood nearly dropped into the floor face first, his mind suddenly in a spiraling state as confusion and shock.

You must be confused, let me tell you HMS Queen Elizabeth's actual ranking. She is an Admiral, while Redwood is a Commodore, which essentially means she is higher in ranking. But due to the lack of officers after the purge, Redwood was temporarily ranked up and sent to the island as a Rear Admiral. Temporarily is the key word here, which means Elizabeth, if she deemed it is necessary, she can demote Redwood and take control of the island and its fleets. Or take command of the island immediately, with Redwood still being assigned or not.

Without missing a beat, Elizabeth crosses her arms. "You may have done well on the first few days but now things will get hard," she said. "and as such! I will take it upon myself to effectively guide you!"

Silence quickly took over as both individuals take in what she had said. Soon after, both reacted differently with Elizabeth turning tomato red and Redwood, stunned by the declaration, tried to find the meaning of her words.

"I..." He uttered, weighing the possibilities of his responses. "Yes... Your majesty." He sighed as disappointment fills his mind.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth didn't hear his words as she was in her own little world of wonder and nervousness. Only silently giggles. Before snapping her attention to Redwood again.

"W- WHAT?!"

To be Continued*

For the reason the two meeting each other this early was because I lost the old data for the story, and the original I wanted to keep them separate until at least chapter ten. But here we are, a new better story line with more events to come. Old and new. But that's all for now, Bye!

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