Volume 1. Chapter 6

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Elizabeth, now wide awake and aware of her actions, is laying on her bed, surrounded by the maid corp, who are scurrying around to get her usual wear. Belfast stood by Elizabeth's bed, clothes on hand.

"Why must this happen, why must this happen, why must I let my self Indulge in my fantasies, why did I reach for him, why did he not wake me up, why must I-"

Belfast sighs at her majesty's unsightly behavior. As the noise from her surroundings slowly quiet down, so does Elizabeth's seemingly never ending muttering. With the chance of the room quieting down, Belfast quickly took the chance and leap into her words.

"Your majesty, if I may, have Redwood do something to you?" The head maid asks.

Grumbles were the only reply of the midget.

The maid sighs before repeating her question, this time emphasizing on the part with Redwood. But Elizabeth remained silent on her answers, prompting Belfast to ask the final question.

"If the acting Commander has done something to you, then we have all authority to revoke his title as Commodore and, if nesseccary, forcefully eject him from base."

The last question, more like a threat to the young man, managed to give Elizabeth the wake up slap she needed. Shooting straight from her nearly awake state, Elizabeth quickly answered to the cruiser.

"He has done nothing deserve of that Belfast! I was the one who waltz in unannounced, acted uncharacteristically in front of him, and if he gets demoted, worse executed because of a mere misunderstanding, I will-" As quickly as she stood, she soon realized her frantic defense of the young man.

Quickly covering her mouth from either spilling more words or embarrassment, only few knowns. Elizabeth sank onto her knees, as the realization finally finished water falling on her.

With Belfast's quick and short fake cough, Elizabeth quickly composed herself before speaking again, albeit nervously.

"Please get me clothed, and Belfast, I assure you Acting Commander Redwood has done nothing worthy of being executed." She stated, replying to Belfast's first question, correctly this time.

Belfast nods, acknowledging her majesty's words before working with the rest of the maids to dress the blonde.

Back to the CO office, Redwood and Sheffield has finished with their respective tasks. The papers are stacked high and the entrance of the room and clear for the new doors.

Redwood is currently conversing with an engineer about reinforcing the door with somekind of steal platting or stronger hinges. But the engineer denied it by stating that it will take one of the Kansens to hit the door with their armaments to completely eradicate not just the door, but the room as well.

"Then what are we suppose to do about the door? Keep replacing it?" Redwood sighed.

"That's the plan all along, this has happen more then what I can remember." The engineer replied before heading out with a salute. Which Redwood repaid with the traditional RN salute.

Sheffield walks up to Redwood, "Acting Commander, the schedule for today is complete, you may go back to your quarters."

"Thank you Sheffield, but I have a weekly meeting with my fleet." Redwood replied, giving the maid a salute before dismissing her and leaving the room.

HMS Sheffield now the only one left within the room sighs before acknowledging his command at heart and proceed to leave to room, not to Elizabeth's room, but to trail Redwood. After all she still have a mission to do.

Redwood steps onto the HMS Hero. His fleets currently agreed weekly meeting place. Announcing his presence via a shout, he then begin to walk deeper into the destroyer. Sheffield soon hops on the ships deck before quickly and quietly rushing to find their meeting place.

Redwood steps clank with the metallic floor, each step giving a familiar feeling but in a unfamiliar way. They only had this meeting one other time, during the sail to this base, they had it within the HMS Indomitable, where they introduced to each other and set a course for each of their roles for the sail. That is one week ago.

Reaching the engine room,  Redwood stops in front of the metal door, breaths in and out before handling the wheel and turning it. Opening the door and stepping it.

Argus and Hero's banter stopped as the door of the destroyer's engine room swing open.

"Greetings Commander." Indomitable greets the new comer.

"Greetings Indomitable." Redwood replied, tipping his hat.

Quickly stepping onto her feet, Hero dash up to her commander and tackled him to the floor. Argus, upon realizing the destroyers action, quickly rush to them and tried her best to peel the destroyer off Redwood before he goes unconscious.

Indomitable stand back and watches the scene with joy radiating from her smile, like the sun shining as bright flares beam away from her. But soon have to step in and made sure everyone is not injured.

Indomitable sat on the few available chair in the room, "Alright everyone, second weekly meeting starts now," around her are the rest of the fleet that makes up task-force recovery, TF-R1.

Redwood sat on the other chair, with Hero on his lap looking satisfied, and Argus stood in the opposite side of them. The carrier herself is leaning against the currently cold steam boiler.

"First, I have managed to gain an agreement with Elizabeth. Though not what we are wanting, but I believe this situation can help." Indomitable started, "Elizabeth expectedly denied the request, not trusting us fully yet. But she instead allowed herself to the fleet."

The other three immediately took alert to her words.

"Her majesty? Joining us?" Redwood spoke in disbelief.

"Did you tell her majesty the purpose of our fleet?" Argus quickly spoke.

"I was about to, but I was disturbed by her majesty when she insisted on joining instead of the three." Indomitable sighs.

"If we can convince her, maybe she can help us?" Redwood suggested.

"She already suggested that. That's why she is joining, to evaluate you Commander." Indomitable replied, gazing upon the surprised man.

"What is this..." Argus uttered in complete disbelief of the situation.

Indomitable shakes her head, "I do believe that we right, Commander. If we manage to convince her majesty and inform her on our true purpose, we can easily complete this mission."

Redwood nodded before himself started on his report, "The past two days have been unexpecting, more or less. HMS Sheffield has been assigned to be my assistant in the office, while my usual paper duty has nothing to note. But the weariness of the Kansen's within this base has certainly gotten me worried."

Redwood then proceed to retail his actions for the past two days, the events the transpired from his out of know where confrontation with her majesty, to the doors of the commanders officer being blown off it's hinges. Much to the shock of the others.

Argus stared at the man with pure confusion. dumbfounded by his day and the near insanity of it.

Indomitable silently nodded, "That is indeed strange." She uttered.

"I suggest we use this as an opportunity to convince her majesty that we can handle them." Redwood concluded, which the other two agreed.

To be Continued.*

PS*This is rushed, beyond excuses, I actually started writing this chapter a week ago after just focusing on [LoTUF]'s rework chapters. But I somehow came out decently... The plot progressed as planned, with the meeting and the semi-reveal of the true nature of Redwood's fleet.

Admittedly, by rushing this, I simply speed read while doing the editing of the chapter, so if you see mistakes. On me.

Anyhow, I will continue "writing" the final two rework chapter for [LoTUF] until I will need to update this story again. Bye!

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