Chapter 8: Protecting Margaret.

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Donovan and Margaret were on the bed asleep. She was on top of him, blanket covering their lower parts. Her back fully exposed since she was laying on top of him on her stomach. His right hand on her back while the other were on the bed. The peaceful silence were interrupted when he heard his phone ring. He scrunched up his eyebrows in annoyance. He grumbled under his breath angrily. He picked up the phone and saw in the caller id that it was Marshall. He sighed heavily and picked up the call.

Donovan: You better have a good reason why you called in the middle of the night.

He grumpily said. He heard Marshall talk.

Marshall: And you better have a good reason why my special guest room was left with such mess.

Donovan: I had a job to finish.

Marshall: What job?

Donovan: I don't think I have to answer that huh?

Marshall: Where are you? I'm coming over.

Donovan: I'm not home right now.

Marshall: Well no shit son tell me where the hell you are so I can come.

Donovan: Is it really necessary?

Marshall: Where are you?

Donovan: Fuck Marshall, I'm at the cabin.

Marshall: Cabin? For real?

Donovan: If you don't wanna come I would really appreciate that.

Marshall: Shut it. I'll be there in about an hour.

Donovan: Damn it. Hurry up then.

He hung up and put down his phone and sighed heavily and rubbed his face. Margaret groaned softly and slowly opened her eyes and looked at him with sleepy eyes.

Margaret: Hon? Who was that?

Donovan: It was just Marshall hon. Go back to sleep.

He caressed her cheek and pulled her closer and she fell back asleep. Donovan sighed softly and slowly put her down to bed. Before he got out of bed, he kissed her cheeks and lips multiple times before standing up and going to the bathroom for a quick shower. He sighed heavily and turned on the shower. Letting the hot water flow over him. To his head down towards his toes. There was so many things on his mind. And they were pretty heavy. Giving him a bad headache from all his problems. To be honest, what he feels now is utter anger and frustration. He couldn't point his finger on who he irritates. But if you ask him, he would point at himself. He was too careless. He forgot about things like this could happen anytime. He underestimated them. He was too confident. Now the consequences are challenging. It was his wife's life on the line. He is scared for her life.

He knows, that whatever happens, he must protect her at all costs. Without her, he won't be mentally stable. Things will fall apart. He doesn't want that to happen. Not again. He closed his eyes as he remembered something from his childhood.


Teenage Donovan was in his room reading a book. He was in peaceful silence when he heard a knock.

Donovan: Come in.

He heard the door open and a Butler entered with a tray of snacks. He walked in and placed it on the bedside table.

Butler: Is there something else you would like Young Master?

Donovan: I'm fine. How's Father?

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