Chapter 1 | The Party Invite

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I'm walking through the hallway alone on my way to class. It's a cold winter day and it is the last Friday before winter break. I sit down at the back of class feeling exhausted after a long week of school. The classroom is filled with students chatting. I'm tired and the only thing I want right now is to go home, take a warm bath and listen to some music.

My Korean teacher, Mr Pang enters the classroom and the class settles down. I almost immediately zone out as Mr Pang starts talking about some grammar thing. Even though I'm at the top of almost every class I don't like school. I don't hate it because I like having routines but Nari my best friend is pretty much the only reason I'm still in school because if she would disappear I would probably drop out.

Soon I start watching a bird outside of the window instead of listening to Mr Pang. It eats something of the ground and I slightly chuckle at thought of how much everyone really cares. I personally don't get the point of life. Like, why is there a bunch of people on a big rock floating around in space? I'm not saying I want to die, I'm just questioning why so many superficial things matter. Here's some example's, beauty, money, clothes, and how many followers you have on social media. There's just so many things that really just don't matter, but people still care about.
I know that I probably sound ridiculous. I also think this is why I don't have any other friends except Nari but I don't really care.

It feels like the time just stops whenever I'm in class. School is almost over and I'm just happy that I can go home and skip school for two week's, I'm watching the clock hoping that we'll get to go home early but by looking at Mr Pang, I don't think that will happen. I yawn when I from nowhere get hit in the head by a paper ball. I decide to ignore it because it's probably just someone who is trying to annoy me but when another ball hits me I angrily turn my head to see which one of my annoying classmates threw it. And it's no other than Hwang Hyunjin.

I look at him frustrated and the only thing I can feel is rage. Ever since high school started he has been a pain in the ass. He thinks he is some kind of prince that can do whatever he wants without consequences just because his parents are crazy rich. I hate people like him, I hate him.

Then he breaks the silence.
"Hi beautiful, was there anything you needed today?"
He says jokingly. I tilt my head and give him an angry and confused look. Nothing he says makes sense.
"What do you want Hwang? Don't you have somebody else to annoy?"
I say while glaring at him. He gives me an innocent smile and just points too one of the paper balls. I understand that he wants me to open it so I do while rolling my eyes at him. I was expecting it to say something along the lines of "Can you give this to Haul?" Or as she call's herself the school queen bee. But nope. On the note it says,
"I'm throwing a party tomorrow night at my house, come will ya?" I roll my eyes again as I give him a questioning look. "What?" He says smirking. I'm thinking about just ignoring him but then I answer.
"First of all I hate you, and second of all, no. I don't do parties and you know that."
His smile fades and he actually looks a bit disappointed but he just says "Whatever, I knew you'd say no anyway."

I turn my head back to the clock wondering why he would invite ME out of all people, he literally knows the entire school, but I guess he was bored and just wanted some kind of entertainment. The school bell rings and Mr Pang let's us go. I rapidly grab my things to go to my locker. On the way I meet Nari and I quickly forget about what happened with Hyunjin.

"Heyyy girly" she says. I smile and before I can say anything she starts talking.
"Soooo, Hyunjin is throwing this big party tomorrow night and I want you to come!!" I instantly give her a serious glare. She knows how much I hate Hyunjin so why would she ask me. I tell her no and that I will never set my foot in his house. But knowing Nari I knew that this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

"Why do I have to go?"
I whine.
"You never come to any parties, I can't let you be a loner forever!"
"But I have you, and I don't like your friends. They're snobby and the only thing they care about is looks and money!"
Which is true. And yes Hyunjin is indeed her friend.
Nari rolls her eyes at me but keeps insisting. I start thinking about it but after this tiring day I just can't get myself to say yes.

I hate meeting new people, I like having one friend that's enough for me but Nari is the complete opposite. She knows everyone and everything. I think that it's too much and I could never keep up with so many friends.

Nari looks disappointed but she knows that I won't budge so in the end she gives up. I'm a bit sad that I don't enjoy parties or the company of other people. I prefer being alone. I've always been like that. Though always feel guilty after turning Nari down but I can't do anything about it, that's just who I am, a boring nerdy girl.

First chapter, nothing really happens in this chapter but I felt like I needed this before all of the drama that is coming.. I think this is a good length for a chapter, maybe a bit long but whatever:)

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