make it work (tzuyu)

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(third person pov)

you have been dating tzuyu for a week now you've known her for a little over two months, you thought it was going good until she said she was coming over to talk,

"don't you think it's strange how she has never invited you over to her house? and she's so secretive over what her and her friends do for a living? y/n you could be dating a murderer" your friend jayden stated a point, you barely knew tzuyu well enough all of it was rushed,

"you're thinking to negative jayden she could have a reason why she won't say anything" you rolled off her bed because there was a knock at the door and you knew it was tzuyu,

you opened up the door to see her with an upset expression, your stomach dropped to the depths of the ground,

"do you want to come in" you asked her as she just stood there staring at you not knowing how to start,

"no maybe if you'd let me after what i'm going to say" tzuyu let out a shaky sigh,

"i um i leave tomorrow" she mumbled but you heard her well enough you were just confused,


"i leave tomorrow" tzuyu said more clear,

"okay then when will you be back?" you pushed on,

"i don't know?"

"what do you mean you don't know? i mean if it's just a trip you'll be back soon right?" the state of disbelief took over your body,

"no this was my trip coming to canada was all a trip when i met you that was the day we just arrived" you stared at her not knowing what to say because you weren't fond of long distance relationships,

"i live in korea well i'm from Taiwan" you still weren't saying anything because what were you supposed to say?

"i'm an idol over there and i didn't tell you because i liked the fact that you knew absolutely nothing about me and you weren't just using me because i'm famous and had money"

"if you told me then i still wouldn't have cared tzu.. i still wouldn't have known you from the beginning still.. why do i feel like i still don't know you" tzuyu's heart broke at your words because she regrets not telling you anything at the beginning,

but there was a reason why tzuyu also didn't want to tell you because you would always share your dislike for long distance relationships, what the both of you had was amazing and she didn't want to ruin any of it,

"what's going to happen to us?" tzuyu let out barely even sharing a glance your way because she was scared of what you were going to say,

"tzuyu you know my opinion about long distance relationships" you sighed looking behind you because you heard jayden go into the kitchen,

"we can make this work y/n!" tzuyu's voice cracked as tears started to form at the brims of her eyes,

"i can't do it tzuyu, i can't do the facetimes and not being able to see you or feel you"

"then don't, come back with me, come live with me in korea i share an apartment with sana she'd love having you come live there too" your heart dropped because you were also close with sana since you met,

"and what am i supposed to do in korea? my whole life is here tzuyu? my job, my friends, my family? what do you want me to do? stay in your apartment while you go do whatever you do being famous? unfortunately that's not what i want to do.." as soon as you were done talking the tears that threatened to fall from tzuyu's eyes started to fall,

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