i can treat her better pt2

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(third person Pov)

both y/n and sana found themselves at the same college party once again, y/n only came because eunwoo came and for obvious reasons momo dragged sana here,

y/n ignored sana the whole night which was killing the older brown haired girl, she knows she told y/n not to go to her anymore more but she didn't think she would take it literally,

all sana could do was sit back and watch y/n's every move what hurt her the most was that y/n never spared her one glance the whole time she was there,

on the other hand eunwoo was out flirting with every girl at the party did y/n know? yes, was she going to do anything about it? no, that's just how it was for their relationship,

"take it off! take it off!" sana found herself pushing through the chanting crowd to see what was going on,

there stood y/n on top a table dancing for everyone to see, she was teasing the crowd acting like she was about to take her top off,

sana watched as the younger drunk girl just about to start pulling her top up her body, sana ran towards her yanking her off the table,

the crowd let out a bunch of boo's as she fixed y/n's shirt and yanking her towards the exit,

"what are you doing i was having fun" y/n slurred trying to escape from the grip on her wrist,

"that's not fun y/n you shouldn't do that in front of people you know"

"ugh you sound like sana"

"that's because i am sana, how much did you drink for you not to notice who i am?" sana asked once they got to her vehicle,

"i'm not going with you sana aren't you mad at me"

"sure i'm mad, not mad enough to let you do dumb shit like that y/n so get in the damn car" the younger girl got in making sana slam the door closed which caused her to flinch,

once they arrived sana got out helping y/n towards the apartment building, she knocked a few times the door opened revealing a very tired looking jihyo,

"fuck y/n, how drunk is she?" jihyo stared at the girl who smiled at her stupidly,

"jihyo don't worry about it sana is my knight in shining armour"

"i thought you guys were fighting?" she turned towards sana,

"i'm only helping her because she tried doing a strip tease for the party" jihyo shook her head giving y/n a disapproved look,

sana dragged y/n towards her room forcing her to lay down and helping the younger girl clean her face and brush her teeth,

she was just about to leave until y/n grabbed onto her wrist making the older girl whip around and stare at her,

"who's your favourite person" y/n asked, sana didn't even notice how the younger girl was standing right in front of her,

"stop just go to sleep already" sana sighed, y/n pulled her to sit with her,

"did you find that girl attractive?"

"what girl?"

"the one at the party, i keep looking at you and you just stared at her the way you used to look at me" y/n stared into sana's eyes,

"so what if i do?"

"i don't want you to" sana was taken back by the younger girls statement,

"please just like me sana i don't like watching you be with anyone else" y/n placed her hands onto sanas shoulders making her freeze when y/n leaned towards placing her head onto sanas shoulder,

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