something more, (momo)

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(Y/n's pov)

the both of us we're still laying here panting not saying a single word, it was always like this nothing more,

i got up and started collecting my clothes slipping them on i felt her fingers grasp onto my wrist,

"where are you going?" she spoke wrapping her blanket around her body to stand up as well,

"i'm going home?" i stared at her,

"can't you stay? it would be nice to be sharing the same bed as you sometimes" i felt my heart start hammering in my chest but that's not that case, she didn't want what i wanted, what i wanted was something more than just friends with benefits,

"i can't tonight momo" i sighed making her let go of my wrist,

before i got to the door i couldn't help but stop myself and think for a bit and turned around, she looked happy thinking i was going to stay,

"i want to start seeing other people, i want something more serious" she looked taken back,

"you want the both of us to start seeing other people?" she asked more quietly and i nodded,

"okay" i walked out of her room leaving her apartment,

i met momo two years ago, we both got super close until she started flirting with me, i didn't realize it at first but i eventually started flirting back,

a few months into that momo decided that a relationship wasn't what she wanted so she asked if we could try the stupid friends with benefits thing because her working at a hospital would get in the way of a "relationship"

(A week later)

What are you doing? want to come over?

i stared at my phone a bit as well at glancing at the girl besides me,

i can't tonight.

Are you sure?
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Still can't,
i have karina over right now,

since when did
the both of you hang out?

For awhile now,
you're just noticing?

Well when she's gone
do you want to come?

i put my phone down not bothering to reply to her, she's honestly unbelievable,

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