chapter 47

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Marinette jogged up to the introverted trio and hugged all of them with a smile.
"Great, Now we just have to wait for Adrien!", she exclaimed happily.
(Name) blinked confused, "I thought you said he couldn't make it?", they asked, to which Nino responded as him, Alya and Luka were slowly walking up to them aswell, "He said his plans changed. I guess he could convince his dad."
Alya nodded with a smile while being in Nino's arms. "Why? Do you not want to see him?", she asked, an attempt to test them again.
"I mean I just didn't know he would be coming after all.", they shrugged, and shortly after the devil who was being spoken about came.

"Hey, sorry for being late."

The kids turned around to greet him.

Soon the group made their way to André to get their ice cream.

Normally, (Name) gets their Ice cream without any chirping and singing from him.
Heck, the first time they got ice cream from him he got depressed from how LONELY their soul was.
But this time, André hesitated to give them their usual flavor.

"I'd like my ice cream in my hands please." They told him, getting impatient.

He looked them up and down, squinting his eyes. "Something seems.. different about you."
(Name) stared confused. "What? I guess I haven't had a haircut in some time but-"
André shushed them down, shaking his head.
"It's your soul. Please, can I make my own customed ice cream for you?"

Alya's jaw dropped, she immediately yelled, "YES!" But Nino shut her up, "Not now baby."

(Name) shook their head, ignoring Alya. "No, I just want my usual one. But thanks."
André tried to convince them again but failed to do so, so he sighed and gave them their usual ice cream. "You can't run from the truth, (Name)."

(Name) got their ice cream and licked it, pretending whatever just happened didn't happen.

"What was that all about?" Adrien asked them, sitting down on the same bench they just wanted to sit down on.
Looking him up and down silently, they answered after a second of silence. "Don't ask me, I just wanted my ice cream.", they shrugged, sitting down next to him.

"How about we go on a walk? I heard there's an open concert at the school?", Luka suggests, to which the rest nods and agrees.

The kids made their way to school and Adrien tried to squeeze himself up between Nathaniel and (Name). Nathaniel noticed and made room for him, (Name) just stared at him judgingly.

When they arrived however, they all realized that the music they played was really bad. They decided to buy a couple snacks and go somewhere else.

In the distance, the children could hear a couple arguing and turned to them. Alya having the eyes of an Eagle, she saw an Akuma flying into the direction of them. "They're about to get akumatized!", she yelled and shortly after ran towards their direction, however she was too late and the couple already got akumatized in front of her eyes. The group turned to each other and everyone went into various directions to hide.
Adrien grabbed (Name)'s hand and rushed behind a bush to hide. (Name) stared at him and then let an awkward laugh out at the ridiculous hideout. "I don't wanna sound rude but this bush isn't going to help us in any way."

Adrien turned to look around if someone specific was near in any way and smirked once he saw the figure he had been looking for. He slowly went and put his left hand on their shoulder, gripping it firmly to stop them from walking away if they intended on doing so.
"You know, (Name), I've been thinking..", he started, leaning closer to them. (Name) stared at him, a slight disgust coming to their face, "That's.. awesome for you."

He put his right hand on their cheek and stared into their eyes, (Name) examining his eyes very closely. "Dude, what are you doing?", they asked, shifting away from him even though his grip on them never left.
Adrien shrugged, smiling at them, "Why, are you nervous?", he asked in a hushed tone.

Glancing away for a second he could see someone staring at him. Time to take it further.

He started leaning in, forcing a kiss on them, but before he could he got aggressively shoved away. "Felix, what the fuck is your problem, man?!", (Name) yelled at him, disgusted at his action.
His eyes widened and before he could say anything the person he was hoping to come did in fact step in.

Chat Noir stepped in between him and (Name), a look of serious disgust on his face when he saw that Felix copied Adrien's hairstyle and usual attire. "I'm going to deal with you later." He growled at the boy and picked (Name) up, jumping away before he could process anything.

How did they know?

He shook his head, concentrating at the rest of his plan now that Chat Noir is distracted.


Chat Noir jumped away with (Name) in his arms.
Even though they didn't want to, they were gripping on him as if their life was depending on him.
Well, it kind of was, since there was a literal Akuma attack going on.

He arrived on their balcony, a sense of nostalgia washing over him, as if it's been years since last was here, when it was at most a week.
He hesitated to let them go, and he could feel their grip on him not dropping immediately either.

However eventually he did have to let go. He looked them up and down, searching for bruises, but all he could find was the avoidance of looking back at him.
He sighed, his gaze dropping as well, he quickly picked it back up though and started asking the basic questions he had to ask everyone. "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" Even though he hated to even bring it on his tongue he still had to act like he didn't know who the person REALLY was. "..That Adrien Agreste kid, I mean." He hissed out.

(Name) shook their head, "I'm fine. That wasn't Adrien anyway.", they mumbled out quietly, which caught his attention. "He wasn't?", he asked surprised. Of course he knew that, but how did they know? (Name) just looked at him confused, "How'd you hear that?"

He pointed at his ears that started twitching.

"Oh, right."

An awkward silence followed.
Both hated everything about this situation.
They just wanted this to be over with.

Chat Noir decided to ask again, since they did intrigue his interest with their statement, "How'd you know the boy wasn't Adrien?"
(Name) shrugged, "Adrien has different eyes. He has those specific eyes you just can't forget. Just like..", they looked up and looked into Chat Noir's eyes. It was as if they were glimmering, which shushed them down. Flustered, they averted their gaze from him.


Chat Noir smiled, glad that they knew Adrien wasn't the one harassing them. He wanted to hug them close and thank them a million times, but he knew he was in no place to do that.

And even though he wanted to stay longer, he knew he really couldn't. Although he unwillingly had to say goodbye, (Name) interrupted his guilty desires.
"I know this is sort of a bad time, but could we-", a loud scream from outside came in between, over toning their voice.

Both grew impatient, so (Name) did what they really did not want to. "Go save the city.", they said quietly, staring into his dilated pupils. He nodded at them, turning around to leave again.

"..Be careful."

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