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It's a dark street bar the street lights and there are trees at the end of the road.

A man with white hair and a long beard – resembling a skinny Father Christmas appears and begins to walk along the street.

He is dressed in black robes and wearing a black hat.

He stops and holds up a metal contraption before using it to extinguish the street lights.

A cat meows so he looks down.

"I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall."

The cat turns into a woman wearing a witch hat and black clothing.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

She walks over beside the man and they begin walking slowly along the now pitch black street.

"Are the rumours true, Albus?"

"I'm afraid so, Professor.  The good and the bad."

"And the children?"

"The elder girl was luckily with the Malfoy's when it happened, they will be keeping her.  The youngest of the triplets has been sent to Washington to live with Charlie and Renée Swan.  We feel that having both scarred children together would be too dangerous."

"What of the other two?"

"Hagrid is bringing them here."

"Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?"

"Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life."

The sound of a plane is heard so the two professors turn and watch as a light approaches and then a motorbike appears with a giant man on it.

The bike stops and the man switches off the engine before climbing off, showing he is carrying something precious.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir.  Professor McGonagall."

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore inquires.

"No, sir! Little tykes fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.  Try not to wake them."

He hands one of the babies to Dumbledore before handing the other to McGonagall and the two of them start toward one of the houses.

"Do you really think its safe, leaving them with these people?" she asks.  "I've watched them all day.  They're the worst sort of Muggles."

"They're the only family they have... everyone else is too scared to have them."

"They'll be famous.  Every child in our world will know their names."

"Exactly! They're far better off growing up away from all that... until they are ready."

They place the two babies on the doorstep, still asleep and Hagrid sniffles as tears escape his eyes.

"There, there, Hagrid.  It's not really goodbye, after all," Dumbledore calms.

They turn back to the two babies before Dumbledore places a note on top of one of them addressed to Mr and Mrs Dursley.

"Good luck Harry and Hollie Potter," he says before they leave.

Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus One Book 1 (a Harry Potter/Twilight/Jackass crossoveWhere stories live. Discover now