Chapter 33 - Spring Break

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~Bella's POV~

Its spring break and I'm back home with Dad in Forks.  Bam's here with us for the break which is great.  I've seen Jacob around and we've grown close.  I'm beginning to fall for Bam because he's been there for me since I returned to Hogwarts.  It's really early, and I'm in my room on my computer typing out another email.'


Everything has changed.  When Bam is around everything is perfect and he heals me from my pain but he's not him, he's not you... life is bearable with Bam, and Jacob around but only just... it's not the same without you all here...'

I click send but like the many others I sent, it isn't sent.  I sigh and go back to bed.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but as I begin screaming, I jerk awake and find Bam standing next to me.

"They're getting less frequent," he says, stroking my head.

"That's because you're here," I half smile.

"Your friend Jessica called, invited us to the pictures with her and Mike.  And Jake called and invited us over to check out some new bikes he bought.

"Sounds good!"

Once I'm dressed, we head over to Jake's and once he's put the three bikes on the back of my truck, he climbs in and he head to the dirt track.

As we are driving along the ocean, I see five boys on top of a cliff.

"Is that Sam Uley?"

"Yeah," Jake says.

I watch as two of the boys grab another one and throw him off the cliff before they all cheer.

"Oh my goodness, Jake, stop the car."

He does and I climb out, quickly followed by Bam and Jake.

"Did you see that?"

"They're not really fighting, Bella.  They're cliff diving," Bam laughs.

"Scary as hell, but a total rush," Jake laughs.

Another one of the boys jump.

We get back into the car and Jake continues driving us to the dirt track.  Despite being only fourteen like me and Bam, he knows how to drive and only drives around town so is let off.

When we get there, and Jake has lifted the bikes off the back, Bam climbs on one and I climb on the other.

"You look scared," Jake says.

"I'm not!"

Jake quickly shows me how to work the bike so I start the engine.

"Ready?" Bam asks as he starts his bike.

"Now slowly release the clutch," Jake instructs.

Suddenly an image of Edward appears in front of me and makes me gasp.

'Bella, stop.'

The shock makes me let go of the clutch and the bike shoots forward but I pull on the breaks.

"Whoa!" Bam says.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm gonna go again."

I rev the engine and race off before either of the boys can react.

As I ride along the track, images of Edward keep appearing.  Suddenly I lose control and fall, hitting my head.  Both boys are quickly by my side – Jake on the bike and Bam running.

"I wanna go again."

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Bam asks.

"No.  I want to go again."

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