Chapter 4 - Hogwarts

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The three of us walk along the bridge above the train station and me and Hollie push our trolleys of luggage.

"What are you looking at?" Hagrid asks a couple of humans.

He takes out his pocket watch.

"Golly, is that the time? Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to leave you.  Dumbledore will be wanting his..." he taps his pocket where the small wrapped item is from vault 713.

"Well, he'll be wanting to see me.  Your train leaves in 10 minutes.  Here's your tickets.  Stick to them, that's very important, and stick together.

I look at my ticket; it says 'London to Hogwarts for one way – platform 9¾.'  Very strange.

"But, Hagrid..."

"He's gone Harry.  Come on, it can't be too hard to find."

I follow my sister until we reach platforms 9 and 10.

We see a guard directing a woman.

"Excuse me sir," Hollie says.  "Can you tell us where we might find platform 9¾?"

"Think you're being funny, do you?"

He walks away without saying another word.

"It's the same every year," I hear a woman say and when the guard moves, I see a red-haired woman walk past, holding a young girl's hand.  "Packed with Muggles."

They continue along the platform shortly followed by two boys about the same age.

"She said Muggles," Hollie says.  "She must be a witch."

"Platform 9¾ this way the woman says as her children follow her."

"Come on," Hollie says and we follow.

They stop in the next arch and she let's go of her red-headed daughter as she turns to the four boys.

"Alright, Percy, you first."

He lines his trolley up in line with the wall and runs at it but instead of hitting it, he goes right through it.

Me and Hollie look at each other in shock.

"Fred, you next."

"He's not Fred, I am," one of the boys say and its then I notice they're identical.

"You call yourself our mother?" the other twin says.

"I'm sorry, George."

He lines up his trolley.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred."

He runs through the wall before his mother can say anything and his twin follows quickly behind.

"Excuse me," Hollie says as we move closer to the woman.  "Could you tell us how to...?

"How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear.  It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well.  All you do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.  Best to run if you're nervous."

"Good luck," the little girl smiles.

I line up my trolley and run, scared that I'll hit the wall and hurt myself but I go straight through it and find myself next to an old steam train.

~Hollie's POV~

Me and Harry are sitting together in a compartment of the train and while Harry watches the view out the window, I pull out a book and begin reading.

"Excuse me," somebody says and we look up to see Ron by the door.  "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

"Not at all," Harry says so the boy joins us, sitting next to me by the window.

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