Chapter One: Ultron? No The Watcher

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It was devastating to see your fellow comrades fall like flies in front of your eyes. People you laughed with, bonded with, and fought with dead at your feet. I might be a soldier but sometimes I feel like the people of my country forget that we are not machines but people too. Out of all the soldiers that had fallen today how many of us will be remembered. How many of the American people will mourn over our deaths after this all over. It's funny, I fight proudly for the people who won't remember my sacrifice.

It was suppose to be a scouting mission in Afghanistan. We were in the middle of the seemingly endless forest when everything went to shit. David, a man that I could consider my brother was blown to bits in front of my eyes. It was a trap, somehow they found out the route we were scouting and planted bombs around the area as they shoot at us from a distance. Left to right bodies were hitting the ground either blown up or shot down as I remain the last man standing.

They all surrounded speaking in their native tongue to me. I didn't speak their damn language but it was obvious they plan to shoot me down. If  I am to die today, then I'll take as many as these fuckers I can take with me. I pulled all the rings off the grenades that were attached to my poutch and ran toward them. They saw what I was doing so they opened fired on me. Bullets were blazing through my body but I didn't stop. I tackled the closest to the group down as I looked at each one before I smiled and finally said "See you assholes in hell, tell the devil Michael Kirk sent ya". As finally the explosives went off taking everyone's life. Everything went black.

. . . . Strange, I didn't know what I was expecting after dying but I didn't expect it to be nothing but black. Another thing is I heard voices, but nothing angelic, demonic, or ethereal. It just sounds like a muffle sounds of an average 40 year old man. That's when my sight started to . . . Static? Until finally I could see everything clearly. I was in a run down laboratory that seemed to been recently blown up. Surprisingly though some of the machines in here still works. I see the man who was talking before only I can hear him more clearly now. He was in a stereotypical science getup like the lab coat and the glasses. He had a white beard and hair, he looked like he was in the edge of becoming a middle aged man.

"Dr. Kirk you're finally awake" he said with relief. I looked at him with confusion. So I said "Doctor"? I said confusingly. But when I asked I noticed my voice was off. It was mainly deep with also a slight high pitch in the background of the voice. Like my deep voice was speaking over louder than the high pitch. The man in front of looked at me with concern at first, but then snapped his fingers as he ran over to the computer and typed something in. As he did I had an overflow of information flowing into my head. Memories that weren't mine but at the same time were. I was man named Michael Kirk but instead of becoming a soldier I was a Scientist studying in biology and cybernetics. My goal was to help those who had lost their limbs in accidents or in the line of duty. This is where things get interesting and shocking to me. I was approached by a man named Lex Luthor, yes that Lex Luthor. He wanted to buy our company which apparently was called Kirk Industries.  However I told him no as I knew it wasn't a secret that he plays in shady business. He didn't seemed pleased to hear my answer but as any business man he shook my hand and said to have a nice day.

However it turned out that just hours later he hired the mercenary Deathstroke to destroy our lab, assassinate everyone and steal our research. Luckily for us we were prepared for any scenario that involved stealing our files. Because anyone who steal our files our computer would destroy any of our research and the only place you can find our research is in a secret vault down in the basement surrounded in lead. For any discovery that we've recorded we always make copies to add to the vault. Luckily for everyone else I was the only one who showed up at work today do to the fact that today was supposed to be a system update to the computers. And because I own the industry and only I had the knowledge to the passcodes to the system I had to personally update them. So I decided that they could have the day off since they wouldn't be able to do anything anyways. So when Deathstroke blowed up the lab I was caught up in the explosion and everything went black. Until now that is.

I looked at the man in front of me and uttered "Ryan Jones". " Yes it's me old friend, for a second I thought I lost you there" he said in excitement and relief that I remember him. " What happened to me? How am I still alive? The last thing I remember was the mercenary blowing me up".  Ryan looked at me sadly " Try not to freak out but look down at your hands". I did as instructed and was left in a daze. My hands were made completely of metal. Despite this I was calm. " I'm sorry to say this old friend but you did die within that blast radius. It was the only thing we could to save you".

I was still for a second and thought if I've become ultron or something. "Ryan could you please release me and show me my appearance". He looked at me sadly but nodded non the less. He tapped a few things on the key board till finally I could move. I went to the closes mirror in the room and see myself in my broken reflection. I was a tall metal man. With glowing orange eyes and mouth. I wasn't ultron, I was The Watcher.

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