Chapter 2: The Architect of Fear

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I stared at my reflection for a while now. Trying to process everything that is happening to me. I died, I woke up, and now I'm a machine in the DC universe. This is a lot to process. Then Ryan spoke " I know this is a lot to process my old friend but I promise you we will figure this out together. We just need a plan". As he said this it made me think "a plan " I said quietly to myself.
" Michael " said Ryan with worry in his voice.

I put both my hands down on the nearest counter with my head hanging down as I was thinking. This was a second chance for me. A chance in a world only a few could dream of being in. Me when I was young loved the concept of heroes. But as I get older I started to see the flaws that DC heroes have when they apprehend their villians. And that is that they gave them too many chances to live and to give them a chance to change when they most likely know it won't happen. Don't get me wrong villians like Mr. Freeze actually have a chance at change. However villians like the joker need to be put down. That's when I was around my times as a teen near adulthood did I start liking the anti-herose philosophy. If I am here then I will do things my way, the anti hero way, The Watcher's way.

I looked over at Ryan and asked him " How do you feel about the justice league and their way of handling the villians". Ryan looked confused at me. Most likely wondering why I would ask that question so suddenly and out of nowhere and who could blame him. But regardless he answered. " I think the Justice League are good hearted people that wants to do good in the world". " But"? I asked since he looks like he has something else he wanted to say but was uncomfortable to admit it. He sighed and said " But I do wish that they could do a proper judgment on some of the villians, don't get me wrong I'm not saying they should kill every villian they come across. It's just some should be given worse punishment than jail time especially when they'll just break out later and harm somebody else". That's when I started to chuckle to myself in excitement of the idea I'm getting. But because of my new voice it just comes out as creepy and unnerving. Ryan looked at like I lost my mind but stayed calm as he knew that it was his friend that's laughing. " What's so funny Michael " Ryan asked.

I looked at him and smiled or at least tempted to but forgot I don't have facial muscles anymore so I just stared at him with an intimidating look and said " Then I believe we should fix this problem ourselves Ryan".

After I said that I walked onto the other side of the facility as Ryan quickly came to my side and said "What do you mean Michael, you're not thinking of becoming a hero yourself are you" he asked in worry. "No Ryan I do not plan on wearing tights and smiling at the camera after I saved the day" I said. "No, but rather I will becomes something else. Something that the 'Heroes' are to afraid to become" I said. "And what would that be Mr. Kirk" worried but curiously. "The executioner" I replied darkyly.

"But Michael if we go down this road you do realize that everyone will come after us right? I'm talking about the Heroes, Villains, and The Police. We will be wanted by everyone" he said. "Oh I'm well aware Michael. However as the old saying goes sometimes to do some good you gotta be the bad guy. Tell me Ryan would you do something wrong for the right reason or  do nothing for the right reason? Would you take a life of a criminal to protect the innocent or will you stand by and do nothing because the law told you so". I asked Ryan. At first he didn't say anything all he did for the time was pace around with hand on his chin. I can tell he already has his answer he just doesn't  wanna admit it out loud in hoping he can find a way to rebuttal my statements. To be fair to him I am asking a lot out of him. I am basically asking him to help me to take down or even kill villians depending on their crimes. After a minute he finally came to a counter put both of hands on it while looking down and have a loud sigh.

Finally he looks up to me. "If we do this we will need some help". He said. I was happy to hear he was on board. "Not just that but also a base of operations and some supplies. Getting support will be needed and luckily I know how to get some" I said to Ryan. "You do? How?" He replied. "We will need get set our foot out there and show what our attentions are. To show them that there is salvation in the darkness. And it is only in shadows that the moths will come to the flame of burning passion. A flame that can't be put out by the ocean of of empty promises. We will attract those who too seek for true justice to be served. Justice that isn't temporary. To show them that for every tear that dropped from their eyes we will take hundreds on their place. This society has been starved for too long and we will serve the very justice they so desire. And after finally feeling full again they will seek us out so we can serve more justice for them and for others. And when there is enough of us we will be the crows that blackened the sky with our numbers. We will be whole, we will be known, we will never be alone. It is time that we show the world the Architects of Fear. Let this be known to the world that we will always be watching for we are The Watchers".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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